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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the many people who helped make this book possible. Wendy Strothman, of the Strothman Agency, initially suggested that a book based on the scientific adventures of our group in Greenland could find a market and introduced us to Clay Morgan of MIT Press, who was enthusiastic from the start. StephanieComer,GuyComer,andBillSchleicheroftheComerScienceandEducational Foundation generously supported the publication of photographs from GaryComer’sarchive.AlisonMcKinzieexpertlyproducedtheimagefilesfromthe Comer archive and Bridget Leavitt of the Island Institute prepared the additional image files for this volume. Patty Catanzaro of the Lamont Laboratory of Earth Sciences at Columbia University helped prepared charts, maps, and other figures. Philip Walsh, Beverly Walsh, and the late Telford Allen graciously and professionally supported all of the field research expeditions aboard Gary Comer ’s vessel, M/V Turmoil when the authors conceived and discussed this book project. Scott Travers helped support the annual Comer Fellows meetings at Leeward Farm, where many of the ideas discussed in this volume were first presented . Peter Quesada, a companion on many of the expeditions offered helpful comments on several early drafts of the manuscript. In addition to Clay Morgan, the team at MIT Press was consistently helpful and diligent, including our editor, Michael Sims, Laura Callen, Susan Clark, Virginia Crossman, and designer Emily Gutheinz. At the Island Institute, Gillian Garrett-Reedhelpedcorrectthepageproofs,whileKathyAllenprovidedinvaluable administrative support. The authors also wish to acknowledge the support of their families who stoically put up with missed anniversaries and birthdays during the years we were away on field expeditions, and especially our respective wives, Paige, Cindy, Elizabeth, and Marna. Ultimately, this book rests on the excellent work of the 74 Comer Fellows and their 18 mentors who continue to produce invaluable scientific information that will help add to the sum of our knowledge in understanding the past reality and future challenge of abrupt climate change. ...
