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Acknowledgments I am grateful to many people who have discussed these ideas with me during the time I was writing this book. For detailed comments on manuscript versions of the book, and for numerous discussions of its core substance, I thank Morris Halle and Alec Marantz. Morris deserves special mention for having read/commented on/su¤ered through innumerable prior versions, always insisting on improvements that made every aspect of the work better. Alec’s comments at a key point in the fall of 2008 led to a reformulation of many central proposals in part I of the book and to some significant clarifications and extensions in part II. I hope that the end product is worthy of this attention. Many people have contributed substantially to the work presented here, both in discussions of this (and related) material and in providing comments on earlier versions of subparts of the book. To name a few, I would like to thank Jonathan Bobaljik, Gene Buckley, Andrea Calabrese, Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, Aviad Eilam, Bill Idsardi, Tony Kroch, Laurel MacKenzie, Rolf Noyer, Marjorie Pak, and Don Ringe. Special mention is due to what I will call the Roca group, for arranging a seminar in July/August 2008 in the Maestrı́a en Lingüı́stica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, General Roca, Argentina, where I lectured on a first version of this book. Thanks to Adriana Alvarez, Moira Alvarez, Mercedes Pujalte, Andrés Saab, and Pablo Zdrojewski for many discussions in the class and outside of it. Earlier versions of the material found in this book were presented at Cornell University (SPINE III); III Encuentro de Gramática Generativa (Mendoza, Argentina); the University of Maryland, College Park; McGill University; the Spring 2008 morphophonology seminar at the University of Pennsylvania that I co-taught with Gene Buckley; and my Spring 2009 seminar in morphology. Thanks to the audiences at these talks and participants in these seminars for o¤ering comments that improved this work in more ways than I could list easily. Finally, I would like to thank the MIT Press—Jay Keyser, Ada Brunstein , and Anne Mark in particular—for working with me on this project. xii Acknowledgments ...
