In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

1 Introduction: The Extended Mind in Focus 1 Richard Menary 2 The Extended Mind 27 Andy Clark and David J. Chalmers 3 Memento’s Revenge: The Extended Mind, Extended 43 Andy Clark 4 Defending the Bounds of Cognition 67 Fred Adams and Ken Aizawa 5 Coupling, Constitution, and the Cognitive Kind: A Reply to Adams and Aizawa 81 Andy Clark 6 The Varieties of Externalism 101 Susan Hurley 7 The Alleged Coupling-Constitution Fallacy and the Mature Sciences 155 Don Ross and James Ladyman 8 Meaning Making and the Mind of the Externalist 167 Robert A. Wilson 9 Exograms and Interdisciplinarity: History, the Extended Mind, and the Civilizing Process 189 John Sutton 10 Cognitive Integration and the Extended Mind 227 Richard Menary 11 In Defense of Extended Functionalism 245 Michael Wheeler Contents viii 12 Consciousness, Broadly Construed 271 Mark Rowlands 13 The Extended Infant: Utterance-Activity and Distributed Cognition 295 David Spurrett and Stephen Cowley 14 Representation in Extended Cognitive Systems: Does the Scaffolding of Language Extend the Mind? 325 Robert D. Rupert 15 The Extended Mind, the Concept of Belief, and Epistemic Credit 355 John Preston Contributors 371 Index 373 Contents ...
