In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix Illustrations and Maps Illustrations ∞. The Last Judgment. Jan van Eyck and Workshop Assistant. ≤ ∞Ω ≤. An auto-da-fé in Madrid, ∞∏∫≠. ≤ ≤∫ ≥. Map of a village in the Pánuco region, New Spain, ∞∑Ω≥. ≤ ∑≥ ∂. Bird’s-eye view of Mexico City in the late sixteenth century. ≤ ∑Ω ∑. Image of condemned prisoner in a sambenito. ≤ ππ ∏. Signature of Diogo d’Asumpção, ‘‘Christus Dominus.’’ ≤ ∞≠≤ π. Quemadero scene in Lisbon in ∞∏∫≤. ≤ ∞∞≠ ∫. Francisco Maldonado de Silva’s signature. ≤ ∞≥∏ Ω. Frontispiece of Fernando Montesinos, Auto de la fe celebrado en Lima ≤≥. de enero de ∞∏≥Ω. ≤ ∞∂∑ ∞≠. Frontispiece of Paulus de Santa Maria, Scrutinium Scripturarum. ≤ ∞∂Ω ∞∞. Title page of Inquisitor-general Gaspar Quiroga’s Index of Prohibited Books. ≤ ∞∏≠ ∞≤. Courtyard of a building of the Spanish Inquisition, with cells. ≤ ∞π≥ ∞≥. The hashkavah prayer for martyrs, in Spanish and Hebrew, from Seder Berakhot (Amsterdam ∞∏∫π). ≤ ∞∫π ∞∂. Burning at the stake of the Protestant martyr William Hunter in ∞∑∑∂, from John Foxe, Actes and Monuments. ≤ ∞Ω≠ ∞∑. Frontispiece of Daniel Levi de Barrios, Contra la verdad no hay fuerça. ≤ ∞Ω∂ Maps ∞. Late-sixteenth-century Mexico, with locations important to the career of Luis Carvajal. ≤ ∑∏ ≤. Early-seventeenth-century Portugal, with locations important to the career of Diogo d’Asumpção. ≤ ∞≠∑ ≥. The Viceroyalty of Peru in the seventeenth century, with locations important to the career of Francisco Maldonado de Silva. ≤ ∞∞Ω ∂. Seventeenth-century Spain, with locations important to the career of Lope de Vera. ≤ ∞∑∂ ...
