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≤∏Ω Index Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. Abendana, Jacob, ∞Ω≥ Abraham ben Ophrit, π Abrunhosa, Frei Antonio d’, ∞∞≤ acusación, π≠, π∞, π≤, Ωπ, ∞≤≤, ∞≥≥, ∞∏∂, ∞∏Ω aggadah/aggadoth, ≥∫ Aguilar, Moshe Rafael d’, ∞π∏, ∞ππ Akiva, Rabbi, ≥, ∞∫∏, ∞∫π Alfonso de Toledo, ∞∏ Almeida, Isaac d’, ∞Ω≥ Almeida, Jorge de, ∑∑, ∏∑, ∏π Almohads, ∑ Alonso de Espina, ∞≤, ∞∏≥ alumbradismo, ≤∞, ∏Ω–π≠, π∫, ∞Ω∏ Amsterdam, ≥≠, ≥≤, ∫≠, ∫≤, ∞∏≥, ≤∂Ωn∞Ω; crypto-Jewish martyrs memorialized in, ∞∫∑; excommunication from Jewish community of, ∞∫≠, ∞∫≤, ≤∂Ωn∞∑; Jewish community of, ≤∏, ∂∏, ∞≥π, ∞π∏; news of Iberian martyrdom in, ∞∫∫, ∞Ω∞–∞Ω≤; Spanish-language texts published in, ≥π Anabaptists, ≥≥, ≤∂∫n∂ Ángel, Cristóbal, ∞∑∏ Annotationes in Novum Testamentum [Annotations on the New Testament] (Erasmus), ∞∑Ω, ∞∏π, ≤∂∂n∞∏ Antan, Aaron d’, ∞πΩ Antiochus, ∞, π∑ Antoine, Nicolas, ∞πΩ, ≤∂∫n∏ apocalypticism, ∞π–∞∫, ∫≤ apostates, Jewish, ∏–π, ∞∂∫, ∞∏∏, ≤≠∫n≥≠ Arabic language, ∞∑Ω, ∞∏∞ Aragon, ∑, ∏, ∞≠, ∞∂, ∞∑ Aramaic language, ∞∏∂ Aristotle, ∞∂≤ ars moriendi literature, ≥∂ Asher ben Yechiel, π Ashkenazim, ∂–∑, ∑–∏, ∫, ≤≠∏n∞∂ Assembly of Tomar, ∂≤ assimilation, Ω, ≤∏, ≤≠∏n∞∂ Asumpção, Frei Diogo d’, ≥∞, ∞≥π, ∞π∫, ∞∫π; ambiguous Jewish ancestry of, πΩ, ∫π, ∫Ω, Ω∑, ∞∞≥; behavior in Capuchin order, ∞≠∞–∞≠∂, ∞≠∏–∞≠π, ∞∞∏; conversion to ‘‘Judaism,’’ Ω∑– Ω∏, Ω∫, ∞∞∞, ∞πΩ; critique of Catholic Church, πΩ–∫≤, ∞∞≥; crypto-judaizing practices and, ∞∞≤, ≤≥∂n∫∂; denounced by fellow prisoners, Ω∞–Ω∑, ΩΩ; ‘‘diagnosis’’ of heresy of, ∞≠π–∞≠Ω; first audience with Inquisition, ∫∑–∫∏; genealogical inquiry into, ∫∂–∫∑; identification with Messiah, ∞≠≠–∞≠∞, ∞≠∫; Inquisition records about, ∞∫∫; interrogations of, ∫≤–∫∂, ∫π–Ω∞, Ω∏–ΩΩ; martyrdom of, Ω≥, ∞≠Ω, ∞∞∞–∞∞≤; ‘‘Protestantish’’ beliefs, ∞≠∫–∞≠Ω, ∞∞∞, ∞∞≥; psychology of, ∞∞∂–∞∞∏ Athias, Abraham, ∞Ω≥, ∞Ω∂ Augustine (Church Father), Ω≠–Ω∞, Ω∏ Augustinian order, ∞∑≠ autos-da-fé, ∞∑, ∞∫, ≤≥, ≤∫, ∂≠, ∞≠≠; burning in e≈gy, ∂∞, ∂Ω, ∞π∂; as grand spectacle, ≤π; in Lima, ∞∞∫, ∞≤≤–∞≤≥, ∞∂∞, ∞∂∂; in Lisbon, ∞≠Ω, ∞∞≠, ∞∞∞–∞∞≤; muzzling of condemned prisoners, ∂≠, ∞π∂; news spread abroad of, ∞∫∫. See also stake, burning at the Auxilio de la religión [Ezer ha-da’at] (Moses haKohen ), ∞≥ Ávalos, Diego de, ∞∑∏ Avignon, anti-papacy of, ∞≤ Azambuja, Jerónimo de (Jerónimo Oleastro), ∏∂ Babylonia, ∞, ∫Ω baptism, ∂, ∑, ∏, ≥∫, ∫≥, ∞∑∏; apostasy and, Ωπ– Ω∫; coerced, ≥≤; Jesus and, ∫∞; martyrdom and, ∞∂; religious disputations and, ∞≠; sacramental nature denied, Ωπ–Ω∫; suicide as resistance to, ≤∞ Barcelona, π, ∫ Barrios, Daniel Levi de, ∂∞, ∞π∂, ∞∫∫, ∞Ω≥, ∞Ω∂, ∞Ω∑ Bataillon, Marcel, ≤∞≥–≤∞∂nπ, ≤≤πn∞≤∑ ≤π≠ INDEX Bautista Pérez, Manuel, ≥≤, ∞∂∏, ≤∂≠nΩ≠ Becket, Thomas, ≥∂ Beinart, Haim, ∞∏∏–∞∏π, ≤≠≥nπ Belchior, Frei, ∞≠≥ Benedict XIII, anti-pope, ∞≠ Benítez, Daniel, π≥–π∂, ≤≤Ωn∞∑∏ Bernal, Abraham Nuñez, ∞Ω≥ Bernal, Juan, ∞∂π Bible, ∞≤, ≤Ω, ∑≠, ∑≤–∑≥, π∂, ∞≤∞, ∞∑∏, ∞π∑; foreign-published Bibles banned in Spain, ≤∂; vernacular translations, ∞≥, ∑∞, ∞∞∫. See also New Testament; Old Testament; Scripture Bible, books of: Baruch, ≥≤; Daniel, ∞; Ecclesiastes , ∞∂≥; Exodus, ∑Ω, ∏∏, ∞≥≠; Ezekiel, ∞≠; Ezra, Fourth Book of (Vulgate), ∑∂; Genesis, ∑≤, π∑, ∞≥∞, ∞ππ, ≤≤≥n≥∏; Haggai, ∞≥∫, ∞∏∂; Jeremiah, ∞∞, ∞≠∫, ∞∫∂, ≤≠≠; Lamentations, π∏; Leviticus, ∞≥≤, ∞∏∞; ≤ Maccabees, ∞, ∏∂, ∞Ω≤; ∞ Samuel, ∞∫∂; Wisdom, ∞≠≠. See also Deuteronomy, Book of; Psalms, Book of Bitul ikare ha-notsrim [Refutation of Christian Principles] (Crescas), ∞∞, ∞≥ Bivach (Bibago), Abraham, ∞∞, ∞≤ Black Legend, ≤π blood libels, ≤, ∏, ∞∑ Boccarro, Gaspar, πΩ, ≤≥≠n∫ body, resurrection of, ∞≠π Bonafed, Solomon, ∞≤–∞≥ Brazil, ∞∞π, ∞Ω∞–∞Ω≤ Bueno, Jacob, ≥≠ Burgos, π, Ω, ∞∂∫ ‘‘burnt ones’’ (los quemados), ∞∫, ≤≠, ≤∞≤n∫∏ Cáceres, Antonio Díaz de, ∑∂ Calepino, Ambrosio, ∞∑≠ calificadores/qualificadores (inquisitorial theologians ), ≤Ω, ∞≤≥; Carvajal (Luis) and, π∂; Maldonado de Silva and, ∞≤Ω, ∞≥≥, ∞≥∂, ∞≥∫, ∞∂≠, ∞∂∂; Vera (Lope de) and, ∞∏∑–∞∏∏, ∞∏∫–∞∏Ω, ∞π∞, ∞π∂ Calvin, John, ≤∏ Calvinists, ≥∞, ∞∏≥, ≤∞∂n∞∑, ≤∂∫n∏ Camara, Fray Marcos de la, ∫≥, ∞≠∏ Capuchin order, πΩ, ∫≥–∫∂, ∞≠∞–∞≠∂, ∞≠∏–∞≠π, ∞∞≥ Cardoso, Isaac: on Castro Tartas (Isaac de), ∞Ω∞– ∞Ω≤; on circumcision, ≤∞πn∑≥, ≤≥Ωn∑Ω; on Maldonado de Silva, ≥≠, ∞∫∫; on Pinhanços, ∂≤–∂≥, ∂∑, ∞∫Ω–∞Ω∞ Carvajal, Baltasar, ≥∑, ∂π, ∂∫, ∑≠, ∑≤, ∑π; in hiding , ∏∞, ∏∂, ≤≤≥n∂∞; in Italy, π∞; plan to escape New Spain, ∑∫–∏≠, ∏∂ Carvajal, Catalina, ∂Ω, ∏≠, π∏ Carvajal, Francisca, ∂Ω, ∏∑, ≤≤∞n∞∑ Carvajal, Gaspar, ∂∫, ∑≤, ∑∫–∏≠, ∏∞, ∏≥–∏∂ Carvajal, Isabel, ∑≤, ∑∂, ∏≠, ∏≥, π∏ Carvajal, Leonor, π≠, π∏, ≤≤∫nn∞∂≤–∞∂≥ Carvajal, Luis, ≥∞, ∂∏, Ωπ, ∞≥π, ∞∑∞, ∞∏∫, ∞π∫; alumbradismo and, ∏Ω–π≠, π∫; early life, ∂π; family of, ∂π–∑≠, ∏∑, π∞; Hebrew name taken by, ≥∏, ∏≤, ∏π, π≤, π≥; immigration to New Spain, ∂π–∂∫; imprisonment and trials of, ∏≠– ∏∫, π≠–π∂, ≤≤∑n∫∏, ≤≤Ωn∞∑Ω; interpretation of Scripture, ∏∫–π≠; Italian Jewish communities and, ∑∑, ∑π; last-minute ‘‘conversion,’’ ≥≠, π∏, ≤∞∑n≤∑; life in Mexico, ∑∞–∑∑; Maccabees as model and, ∞Ω≤; memoirs, ≥≥, ∑≥; Morales’s influence on, ∂∫–∑∞, π≥, π∫, ∞∫∞; plan to escape New Spain, ∑∫–∏≠; reading habits, ∑≤–∑∂, ∏π–∏∫, ≤≤≥n≥∂, ≤≤∏n∞≠∞; reasons for adhering to Law of Moses, ∞ΩΩ–≤≠≠; as relapso, ∏∑; self-circumcision, ≥∑, ∑∂, ∏∏, ∞∏Ω; sentences meted out to, ∏≥–∏∂, π∂; suicide attempt, π≥–π∂ Carvajal, Luis (elder), ∂π–∂∫, ∑∞–∑≤, ∏≠ Carvajal, Mariana, ∂Ω–∑≠, ∏≠, ≤≤≠–≤≤∞n≤, ≤≥≠n∞∏∑ Carvajal, Miguel, ∏∂, π∞ Caseres, Yahacob Rodrigues, ∞Ω∂ Cassian, John, ∫Ω Castanheira, Portugal, πΩ, ∫≤, ∫≥, ∞≠≤, ∞∞≥ Castile, ∑, ∞≠, ∞∂, ∂π; autos-da-fé in, ∞∑; ‘‘culture of visions’’ in, ∞∫; economic decline of, ∂∫ Castro, Alfonso de, ∑∞ Castro Tartas, Isaac de, ∂≤–∂≥, ∂∏, ∞∫∫, ∞Ω∞– ∞Ω≤ Cathars, ≤≠∑nπ Catholic Church, ≥, ∞π∫; apocalyptic visions and, ∞∫; campaign to convert Iberian Jews, ∂, ∏; cult of the host, ∞∑∏; dogmatista defiance against, ∂≠; erosion of authority of, ∞≥∫–∞≥Ω; establishment of, Ωπ; Frei Diogo’s critique of, πΩ–∫≤; ‘‘idolatry’’ of, ∑∞; Jewish apostates in, ∏–π; martyrologies of, ∞∫∫, ∞∫Ω, ≤∑≠n≥∫; Protestant martyrs and, ≤∏; rabbinical polemics and, ∞≤; reconciliation with, ≤∂; reformist attacks on, ∞≤; sacraments of, ∫≥; saint veneration , ∞∫Ω; Talmud attacked by, ≥∫. See also Christianity; Jesuits; papacy/popes; theologians , Catholic Cerda y Sotomayor, Don Cristóbal de la, ∞≤∑ Chagas, Frei Francisco das, ∞≠≤, ∞≠≥, ∞≠∂ Charles I, king of England, ∞∑∞ Charles V, Emperor, ≤π Chichimeca Indians (Mexico), ∂π, ∑∞, ∑∂, ∑π, ≤≤≤n≥≤ [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 13:54 GMT) INDEX ≤π∞ Chile, ∞≤≤, ∞≤∂–∞≤∑, ∞≥≠ Chmielnitski massacres (∞∏∂∫), ≤≠≥n∏ Christ, Law of, ≥∑, ≥π, ∏π, π≤, Ω≤, ∞∏∑; abandonment of, ∞≤≤; Frei Diogo’s critique of, ∫∞, ∫≥; rejection of, ∞∏π Christian, William, ∞∫, ≤∞≤n∫≥ Christiani, Pablo, ∏, ∞≠, ≤≠∫n≥≠ Christianity, ∑, ≥∫, ∞≠≠, ∞∑∫; Christendom as fourth beast, π∑; early period of, ∞≤; Hebrew Scripture and, ≥π; Judaism and Christian dissenters , ∞πΩ; martyrdom in theology of, ≤; rabbinical polemics against, ∞≠–∞≥, ≤∑; skepticism about, ∞∏π. See also Catholic Church; Jesus Christ; Protestantism; Reformation Chronica universal (Alonso de Maldonado), ∞≥∂ circumcision, ≥∑, ∞∞∏, ≤∞≠nπ≤, ≤∞πn∑≥; of Carvajal (Luis), ∑≤–∑∂, ∏∏; in Cassian’s Conferences , ∫Ω; as eternal ‘‘sacrament,’’ π∑; of Maldonado de Silva, ∞≤∏, ∞≥∞, ∞∑≠, ∞∑∞; Saint Paul and, ∫∞; of Vera (Lope de), ∞∏Ω, ∞π∞ Cohen, Gerson, ∑ Cohen, Martin, ∂π–∂∫, ≤≤≠n∞ Coimbra, ∂∑, ∫∂, ∞≠∞, ∞≠≥, ∞≠∑, ∞∞≤, ∞∫∞; inquisitorial prison in, Ω∞, Ω≤; tribunal of, ∂≤, ∂≥ Complicidad Grande, ∞≥Ω, ∞∂∏ Conceição, Frei Diogo da, ∞≠∞, ∞≠≥, ∞≠∏ Conciliarists...
