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What if this present were the worlds last night? Mark in my hart 6 Soule where thou dost dwell The Picture of Christ crucified, and tell, Whether that countenance can thee affright. Teares in his eyes quench the amazeing light, 5 Bloud fills his frownes which from his pierc'd head fell And can that tongue adiudge thee vnto hell Which prayed forgiuenes for his foes fierce spight? Noe, noe, but as in my Idolatrie I said to all my Prophane Mistresses, 10 Beauty of pitty; foulness only is A signe of Rigor; soe I say to thee To wicked spiritts are horrid shapes assign'd, This beauteous forme assures a piteous minde. 10. Batter my heart, three person'd God; for you As yet, but knock, breathe, shine, and seeke to mend, That I may rise and stand, orethrowe mee, and bend Your force to break, blowe, burne, and make mee newe. I, like an vsurp'd towne, to another due, 5 Labour to'admitt you; but oh to noe end, Reason, your Vice...roye in mee, mee should defend, But is captiu'd, and proues weake or vntrue, Yet dearly I loue you, and would bee loued faine But am betroath'd vnto your enemye. 10 Divorce mee,'vntye, or breake that knott againe; Take mee to you, imprison mee, for I, Except you inthrall mee, neuer shalbee free Nor euer chast except you ravish mee. REVISED SEQUENCE 9ยท What if this present were the worlds last night? Mark in my hart 6 Soule where thou dost dwell The Picture of Christ crucified, and tell, Whether that countenance can thee affright. Teares in his eyes quench the amazeing light, 5 Bloud fills his frownes which fram his pierc'd head fell And can that tongue adiudge thee vnto hell Which prayed forgiuenes for his foes fierce spight? Noe, noe, but as in my ldolatrie I said to all my Prophane Mistresses, 10 Beauty of pitty; foulness only is A signe of Rigor; soe I say to thee To wicked spiritts are horrid shapes assign'd, This beauteous forme assures a piteous minde. 10. Batter my heart, three person'd God; for you As yet, but knock, breathe, shine, and seeke to mend, That I may rise and stand, orethrawe mee, and bend Your force to break, blowe, burne, and make mee newe. l, like an vsurp'd towne, to another due, 5 Labour to'admitt you; but oh to noe end, Reason, your Vice-raye in mee, mee should defend, But is captiu'd, and praues weake or vntrue, Yet dearly I loue you, and would bee loued faine But am betroath'd vnto your enemye. 10 Divorce mee,'vntye, or breake that knott againe; Take mee to you, imprison mee, for l, Except you inthrall mee, neuer shalbee free Nor euer chast except you ravish mee. REVISED SEQUENCE ...
