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Index academic work, 174, 191–192, 216–219; fields of study, 204–215; graduate education , 198–204; professionalism and, 174–191; research, 192–197 accountability, 77, 241 ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies ), 43 Adams, Richard, 270 admissions process, 106, 154 Africa, 184, 303n31; aid amounts to, 46, 47; Carnegie Foundation aid to, 42; Ford Foundation assistance to, 36; universities , 15, 357n16 agriculture, 62, 195, 297; AID grants for, 50, 270, 271–272; brain drain in, 214; enrollment in, 298; Ford grants for, 263; partnerships and, 205; research centers and, 212; Rockefeller grants for, 42, 206 agronomy, 91, 148, 168, 208, 212 Aguascalientes, University of (Mexico), 166, 331n56 AID (Agency for International Development ), 1, 15, 37–39, 102, 227; academic centralization and, 154–155, 159, 167–168; amounts of aid, 48, 283– 284, 294, 313n8; archives of, 18; Brazil project, 94; cluster giving and, 121, 122, 123; expenditure underestimation, 267–273; facilities centralization and, 144; faculty development and, 179, 180; fields of study and, 206, 207, 209, 212, 214, 297; graduate education and, 198–200; linkage programs, 44, 74; management and, 135, 136; national targeting patterns and, 63–68; national universities and, 82, 85–86, 87; overreach and, 53, 54; partnerships and, 58, 61, 62; performance evaluations and, 229, 234; prior partnerships, 93; private universities and, 92, 99–100, 105; project evaluations, 306n54; public alternative universities and, 112; retreat from assistance and, 50, 51; sources for data on, 264–267; student payments and, 137; two-year colleges and, 119–120; unpopularity of foreign assistance and, 23 AID Project History (PAICHIST), 264 Aldana, Eduardo, 96 Alliance for Progress, 2, 10, 38, 300n6; democracy and, 301n13, 304n33; overreach and, 52, 53 altruism, 4, 5, 21, 301n14 Americanization, 53, 88; academic work and, 177; California system as model, 117; campuses as, 148; cluster giving and, 122, 124; denunciation of, 106; donor goals and, 134; general studies and, 153, 157; support for, 99 Américas, University of the (Mexico), 43, 91 Anderson, Charles, 30 Andes, University of the (Colombia), 55, 62, 95–98, 111, 333n66; academic centralization at, 165, 169; access for underrepresented , 115; facilities, 145; Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 97; fields of study at, 210, 211; general studies and, 156; management and, 136 Antioquia, University of (Colombia), 59, 95, 112, 333n67; administrative centralization , 140; Arts and Sciences unit, 168; fund-raising, 139; graduate education at, 203; library, 146 architecture, 204, 208, 297 area studies, 18 Argentina, 9, 18, 51, 267; academic centralization in, 157, 165–166; AID and, 270, 283, 294; alternative public universities , 61; campuses in, 149; cluster assistance to, 121; enrollment in higher education, 280–281; fields of study in, 204; Ford Foundation and, 100, 261, 287, 293, 323n90; full-time professors in, 181; graduate education in, 198; growth in, 125; IDB and, 39–40, 274, 275, 285, 295; institutional development , 64, 67; LASPAU scholarships, 287; loan amounts to, 58; military rule 394 | Index Argentina (continued) in, 125, 166; national university of, 288, 290; population, 278–279; private universities, 291; provincial network, 106; public alternatives, 109; as receiving nation, 63, 64, 66–67, 68, 69, 72; research centers in, 186; Taquini Plan, 106–107, 109, 166 Arizona, University of, 38 Asia, 36, 46, 184 Atcon, Rudolph, 10, 12, 16, 343n56; Alliance for Progress and, 53; on student politics, 143; on university administration , 135; on university cities, 149 Austral University (Chile), 58, 148–149, 149–150; academic centralization and, 164; European aid to, 313n7; research at, 193 Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) (Mexico), 106, 108, 188, 212– 213, 331n56; academic centralization at, 166–167; buildings and equipment, 143; full-time professors at, 347n19; libraries , 339n18 Autonomous Technological Institute (Mexico), 342n54 Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), 83 autonomy, institutional, 12, 78, 80, 99 Ayacucho program, 194 backwardness, 24, 304n36 Bahia, Federal University of (Brazil), 55 Bahı́a Blanca University (Argentina), 154, 166, 332n57 Balaguer, Joaquı́n, 86 banks, 22, 39 Berkeley, University of California at, 182 Berle, Adolf, 96 Betts, Ardith, 264, 265 bilateral donors, 34, 46, 47, 74, 302n18; Japanese and European, 312–313n7; retreat from assistance and, 51; selectivity patterns and, 69 block grants, 28, 258 Bolivia, 60, 266; AID and, 270, 272, 283, 294; enrollment in higher education, 280–281; Ford Foundation and, 287, 293; full-time professors in, 180; general studies in, 162; IDB and, 274, 285, 295; LASPAU scholarships, 287; national university of, 288, 290; population , 278–279; private universities, 291; as receiving nation, 63, 64, 68, 70; student politics in, 85, 325n105 brain drain, 185...
