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abortion: church teachings about, 33, 40, 121–123, 150nn16,18; debate about, within Catholic Church, 2, 34 Adam and Eve, 3, 24, 25, 27, 128 “Address to the Midwives,” 57, 61 adultery, 45–46, 48 Aelred of Rivaulx, 110 Anglican Church: lifts ban on contraceptives in 1930, 33–34; ratification of use of oral contraceptives in 1958, 57 Anselm of Canterbury, 109–110 Apostolicam Actuositatem (1965), 146n14 Arcanum Diviniae Sapientiae (1880): on gender roles within marriage, 56, 98; on marriage as a sacrament , 25; mentioned, 6, 22, 33, 46. See also Leo XIII artificial insemination, 70, 76. See also assisted reproductive technologies; cloning; in vitro fertilization;stemcell research; surrogate motherhood assisted reproduction, 16, 78, 80, 81, 82, 85, 121; and inseparability of ends, 88; questions raised by, 94 assisted reproductive technologies, 2, 17, 39, 70–71, 150n16; and concern for embryos, 74, and human dominion over nature, 75; and sanctity of procreative sex, 74–75; and views of Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and, 72–77; and views of Pius XII, 69–72. See also artificial insemination; cloning; in vitro fertilization; stem-cell research ; surrogate motherhood Association for Large Families of Italy , 39 Association for Large Families of Rome, 39 Augustine, Saint:onchastity,47;influence on church teachings about marriage, 33, 53, 77, 107, 146n12; and marriage as sacrament, 23–24; on order, 2–3, 92, 143n6; rejection of sexual pleasure by, 34, 147n18; on sterile couples, 38 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 107, 153n10 Bernard of Clarivaux, 109 bioethics, Catholic, 66 birth control, 77–78. See also coitus interruptus; condoms; contraception ; diaphragms; eugenics; oral contraceptives; pill; rhythm method; sterilization Bouyer, Louis, 107 Butler, Judith, 14, 105 Bynum, Caroline Walker, 12–13, 109–110, 132 Cahill, Lisa, 15–17, 83, 129–130 Casti Connubii (1930): on adultery, 45–47; on blessings of marriage, 31; challenged by Gaudium et Spes, 58; on chastity within marriage , 43–45; compared with Donum Vitae, 73; compared with Humanae Vitae, 68; on contraception as a sin against nature, 62–63, on divorce, 26; as major Catholic document on marriage and procreation , 35; on marriage as a sacrament , 28–29; and metaphor of adopting mother, 118; on motherhood , 36; and principle of totality , 91; on procreation as end of marriage, 33, 56–57; and selfcontrol , 140–141; on sexual pleasure within marriage, 44, 47; on sterilization, 91. See also Pius XI celibacy, 50, 142, 146n16, 147n21 INDEX I N D E X 164 chastity: effects of, 50–51; within marriage, 17, 22, 43–45, 49, 128; synonyms for, 146n16 children: as a blessing of marriage, 33; as gifts from God, 35–36 Clark, Elizabeth, 33 cloning, 150n16. See also artificial insemination ; assisted reproductive technologies; in vitro fertilization; stem-cell research; surrogate motherhood Code of Canon Law, 81 coitus interruptus, 61. See also birth control; condoms; contraception; diaphragms; eugenics; oral contraceptives ; pill; rhythm method; sterilization condoms, 79. See also birth control; coitus interruptus; contraception; diaphragms; eugenics; oral contraceptives ; pill; rhythm method; sterilization Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, 50; and assisted reproductive technologies, 72 Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons (2003), 137–138 contraception: arguments against, 66, 84–85, 90, 95; and Casti Connubii , 33, 56; Catholic debate about, 2, 41, 55, 58, 83; Catholic teachings and, 23, 34, 37, 39, 58–59, 78, 80–82; and Humanae Vitae, 10, 95; and intrinsically evil acts, 82–83; natural versus artificial, 67; non-Catholic Christian churches and, 29, 34 (see also Anglican Church); questions raised by, 94; and views of Papal Birth Control Commission, 62–64. See also birth control; coitus interruptus; condoms ; eugenics; oral contraceptives ; pill; rhythm method; Second Vatican Council; sterilization Crowley, Patty, 61, 64. See also Papal Birth Control Commission cultural construction: of gender, 12, 14, 19; of sex, 14, 19 Curran, Charles, 7–8 death penalty, 121 Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics (1975), 50 Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. See Apostolicam Actuositatem Delhaye, Philippe, 61 diaphragms, 79. See also birth control; coitus interruptus; condoms; contraception ; eugenics; oral contraceptives ; pill; rhythm method; sterilization divorce, 28, 48, 145n7 Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, 110. See also Lumen Gentium Doms, Herbert, 42 Donum Vitae (1987): on assisted reproduction , 72, 75–76; and concern for embryos, 72, 74; on dignity of human person, 60, 68; and inseparability of ends, 84–85; mentioned, 151n25; and natural law, 73, 75, 79, 89, 92; and principle of totality, 91. See also assisted reproductive technologies Dulles, Avery, 111 embryos, 150nn18–19; Catholic...
