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Appendix 1 Key Dates CE c. 570 Birth of Muhammad (d. 632) 610 Muhammad’s ¤rst revelation 620 Death of Khadijah, Muhammad’s wife 622 Migration of Muhammad (hijrah or hegira) from Mecca to Medina 630 Mecca controlled by Muhammad 632 Muhammad succeeded by Abu Bakr 634 Abu Bakr succeeded by "Umar 644 "Umar succeeded by "Uthman c. 650 Canonization of the Qur#an 661 Assassination of "Ali by a Khariji rebel; establishment of Umayyad dynasty (661–750) 680 Husayn, son of "Ali assassinated at Karbala 691 The Dome of the Rock is completed in Jerusalem 750 Establishment of the "Abbasid dynasty (750–1258) 801 Death of Rabi"ah al-"Adawiyyah, the ¤rst great woman mystic 874 “Disappearance” of Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, the twelfth imam 922 Execution of the Persian mystic al-Hallaj 1058 Birth of al-Ghazali (d. 1111) 1095 Pope Urban II preaches the First Crusade 1099 The Crusaders conquer Jerusalem 1205 Beginning of Muslim domination of India, establishment of sultanate of Delhi 1273 Death of Jalal al-Din Rumi, founder of the Whirling Dervishes, in Turkey 1288 "Uthman, a ghazi on the Byzantine frontier, founds the Ottoman dynasty in Turkey 1453 Memed II “the Conqueror” conquers Constantinople (Istanbul) and makes it the capital of the Ottoman Empire 1492 The Muslim kingdom of Granada is conquered by the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella 1526 Founding of Mughal Empire by Babar (1526–1707) 1529 The Ottomans besiege Vienna 1653 Completion of Taj Mahal in India c. 1760 Establishment of Wahhabi reform movement 1763 The British expand their control over India 1830 France occupies Algeria 1857 Indian mutiny against British rule 1881 France occupies Tunisia 1889 Britain occupies the Sudan 1917 The Balfour Declaration formally gives British support to the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine 1924 Abolishment of the Islamic caliphate by the Turkish government 1932 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia founded 1945 Formation of the Arab League 1947 Establishment of Pakistan as separate Muslim state 1948 Creation of the Jewish state of Israel 1963 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini attacks the Pahlavi regime in Iran, is imprisoned and eventually exiled to Iraq 1964 Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) established in Jerusalem 1967 The Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors 1970s Militant Islamic groups like AMAL, Hizb#u#llah, and al-Jihad arise in Lebanon 1973 Egypt and Syria attack Israel on Yom Kippur 1978 Egypt and Israel sign the Camp David Accord 1979 Shah of Iran overthrown; revolutionary Islamic regime in Iran headed by Khomeini 1981 Muslim extremists assassinate President Anwar Sadat of Egypt 1987 Uprising of the intifadah against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 1989 Ayatollah Khomeini issues a fatwah against Salman Rushdie for his novel The Satanic Verses 1989 Death of Ayatollah Khomeini 1990 Iraqi president Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait 1991 The United States and its allies launch Operation Desert Storm against Iraq 1992 Members of the Bharatiya Janarta Party (BJP) dismantle the Mosque of Babur at Ayodhya, India 1992– 1999 Serbian and Croatian nationalists kill and force Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia and Kosovo to leave their homes 1993 Israel and the Palestinians sign the Oslo Accord 1994 Israeli president Yitzak Rabin assassinated by a Jewish extremist 1994 A Jewish extremist assassinates 29 Muslims in the Hebron mosque in Israel; in retaliation Hamas suicide bombers attack Jewish civilians in Israel 1994 Taliban “fundamentalists” rise to power in Afghanistan 1995 Islamic militants bomb the American military at the National Guard Headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1996 Yasser Arafat elected president of the executive council of the Palestinian legislative assembly 1996 Islamic militants bomb the United States military housing compound in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 2001 On September 11, Muslim terrorists destroy the towers of the World Trade Center in New York and damage the Pentagon in Washington; American president Bush declares “war on terrorism” 2002 Israeli president Ariel Sharon declares war on terrorists (suicide bombers), destroys Palestinian compounds and infrastructure; isolates Palestinian president Yasser Arafat 2003 U.S. and British troops dismantle President Saddam Hussein and occupy Iraq 132 Appendix 1 ...
