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Islam ItsHistory, Teaching,and Practices S.A.Nigosian This compact introduction to Islam encapsulates the essential aspects of Islam as a living religion and social force. The book is organized around seven topics: the life of Muhammad; Islamic political development and territorial expansion; the important groupings of Islamic believers (Sunni, Shic ite, and Sufi); the Qurc an (the Holy Book of Islam); Sunnah, Hadith (the record of the Prophet’s actions and sayings), and Sharic ah (the compilation of Islamic law); the five Articles of Faith and the so-called five pillars of Islam that govern faith and action; and other binding religious observances and festivals. The presentation of these seven aspects of Islam strikes a balance between fact, tradition, current interpretation , and commentary. The author underscores two fundamental points: To understand Islam properly, it is necessary to see it as a major faith tradition, with Muhammad as the last of a series of messengers sent by God; and to grasp the spirit of Islam, one must recognize its emphasis on an uncompromising monotheism, with strict adherence to certain social, political, and religious practices, as taught by the Prophet and elaborated by tradition. S. A. NIGOSIAN, Ph.D., is a historian of religion, specializing in Near Eastern religions. He is Research Associate at Victoria College, University of Toronto, and author of Judaism: The Way of Holiness; The Zoroastrian Faith: Tradition and Modern Research; Occultism in the Old Testament; and World Religions: A Historical Approach. Religion Islam Cover illustration: A section of the Prophet’s Holy Mosque in Medina. Courtesy of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. Isl a m 1-800-842-6796 Ni g osi a n c ...
