In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

493 Index of Subjects Abbas, Mekki, 123, 181 ABM Treaty, 432 Abraham Lincoln School, 169 Abyssinia, 32 Abzug, Bella, 249, 256 academia, 53, 371–381 Academy of the Sacred Heart, 95 Acheson, Dean, 166, 168 activism, 93, 138, 391, 429 Adams, Walter, 122 Adebo, S. O., 124 ad hoc tribunals, 32 adjustment. See structural adjustment program (SAP) Adjustment with a Human Face (UNICEF), 269 Adler, Max, 26 Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC), 358, 361–362 Advisory Committee, 213 Afghanistan, 273–274, 277, 281, 353, 406–407 Africa and the Cold War, 164, 278 decolonization, 172–173 education in, 128 and First Development Decade, 190, 192– 193 and gender issues, 246, 422 and globalization, 288 and human security, 300 independence and nationalism, 65, 113–114, 117 and NIEO, 230 poverty, 282 racial issues, 46–47 and regional commissions, 181 and structural adjustment, 263, 265 and UN tensions, 366 and Washington consensus, 268–269 African Alternative Framework to structural adjustment programmes, 265 African-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization (AAPSO), 176 African Centre for Women, 246, 255 African Development Bank, 184 African Training and Research Centre for Women, 422 Agenda 21, 223 Agenda for Action, 264 An Agenda for Democratization, 354 An Agenda for Development, 354 An Agenda for Peace, 275, 290, 302, 338, 354 Agnelli, Gianni, 423 Agricultural Labourers in Modern India and Pakistan (S. Patel), 93 agriculture, 39, 255 Ahead of the Curve? UN Ideas and Global Challenges (UNIHP), 9, 372–373 Ahmed, Zubi, 120 AIDS. See human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Akashi, Yasushi, 213–214 Al-Ahram, 125 Albright, Madeleine, 213 Algeria, 131, 226, 262 Ali, Mehemet, 46 Allende, Salvador, 182–183, 235 Alliance for a Corporate-Free UN, 311 All India Students Federation, 40 Almond, Gabriel, 98 American Bar Association, 152 American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), 165, 423 American Journal of International Law, 152 American Psychological Review, 242 American University, 98, 114 Amnesty International, 388 Amoako, K. Y., 208 Anand, Sudhir, 291 Anglo-Egyptian Condominium of the Sudan, 106 Angola, 281, 299, 332 anthropology, 178 anti-Semitism, 27, 56, 400 apartheid, 334, 419 Arab League, 106 494 Index of Subjects Arab world, 36. See also specific countries Arendt, Hannah, 108–109 Argentina, 183, 211, 287 arms reduction, 272 Arria Formula, 416, 480n10 Arsenis, Gerry, 200 ashrams, 103 Asia. See also specific countries and decolonization, 172–173 and education, 37 and First Development Decade, 193 and gender issues, 246 and globalization, 287 and poverty, 282 and regional commissions, 181 and Washington consensus, 270 The Asian Drama (Myrdal), 80, 104, 380 “Aspects of Trade and Development in the Commonwealth Caribbean” (McIntyre), 115 Atlantic Charter, 145 Austin, Warren, 74 Austria, 24–26, 126, 351 Auxiliary Territories Services, 29 Avila, Fernando Bastas de, 54 Awolowo, Obafemi, 44 Axworthy, Lloyd, 298, 302, 304 Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 44, 100, 172 backgrounds of contributors, 7, 15–64, 435–457 Baghdad, Iraq, 340 Bailey, Kenneth, 379 balance-of-payments problems, 259 Balcerowics, Leszek, 278 Balkans, 17–18 Balliol College, 104 Ballogh, Thomas, 104, 126–127 Bandanaraike, Chandrika, 178, 227 Bandung conference, 170, 172, 175–178, 465n4 Bandung Society, 92 Bangkok, Thailand, 181 Bangladesh, 50, 133, 234, 395 banking, 48. See also specific institutions Bank of Mexico, 121 Bariloche project, 243 Baroda College, 106 Barrow, Nita, 253 Barth, Karl, 78 basic needs approach, 239–245 Bauer, Otto, 126 Bauer, Peter, 92 Bay of Pigs invasion, 188 Beijing conference. See United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing) Bending with the Winds (Finger), 351 Beneria, Lourdes, 120 Benoit, Emile, 301 Berg, Eliot, 263, 344 Berg report, 184, 263–264 Berlin Blockade, 161 Berlin Wall, 61, 274 Bernanos, Georges, 78 Betrayal From Within (Barros), 316 Beveridge, William Henry, 375 Beveridge report, 241 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 89 Bhutto, Benazir, 227 Biddle, Eric, 135–136 Biological Weapons Convention, 432 Black Power, 90 Blanchard, Olivier, 278 Blue Pilgrims, 26 Blum, Léon, 29, 358 Blyden, Edward, III, 33, 100 Bolshevik Revolution, 162, 165 Bolton, John, 302 Bombay School of Economics, 106 Bonhoffer, Dietrich, 78 Boserup, Esther, 251, 256, 301, 422 Bosnia, 157 Boston University, 100–101 Boulding, Kenneth, 21, 71, 138, 301 Boumedienne, Houari, 226–227 Bourquin, Maurice, 326 Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, 226 Boutros-Ghali, Wassaf, 46 Brahimi, Lakhdar, 431 Brandt, Willy, 113, 381 Brandt Commission, 198, 307, 382–385 Brazil class issues, 126 education in, 77–78, 129 and environmental issues, 220 and future challenges, 428–429 and globalization, 287–288 military regime, 108 and regional commissions, 182–183 and structural adjustment, 264 and World...
