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notes 1. THE NAVAL WAR IN THE ADRIATIC 1. On Austro-Hungarian naval development in the late nineteenth century, see Lawrence Sondhaus, The Naval Policy of Austria Hungary, 1867–1918: Navalism, Industrial Development and the Politics of Dualism (West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 1994). 2. The Triple Alliance naval convention is discussed in Paul G. Halpern, The Mediterranean Naval Situation, 1908–1914 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971), chapter VIII, and in great detail with full texts of treaties in Mariano Gabriele, Le convenzioni navali della Triplice (Rome: Uf¤cio Storico della Marina Militare, 1969). 3. These points are discussed in Paul G. Halpern, The Naval War in the Mediterranean , 1914–1918 (London and Annapolis: Allen & Unwin and Naval Institute Press, 1987), pp. 17–20, and idem, Anton Haus: Österreich-Ungarns Grossadmiral (Graz: Verlag Styria, 1998), pp. 147–57. 4. The most detailed account of French operations remains A. Thomazi, La guerre navale dans l’Adriatique (Paris: Payot, 1925). 5. A good introduction to the Adriatic naval war is Charles W. Koburger, Jr., The Central Powers in the Adriatic, 1914–1918: War in a Narrow Sea (Westport, Conn.: Praeger , 2001). See also Ezio Ferrante, La grande guerra in Adriatico: Nel LXX anniversario della vittoria (Rome: Uf¤cio Storico della Marina Militare, 1987). 6. For the opposition of General Joffre, chief of the army general staff, see J. J. C. Joffre, Mémoires du Maréchal Joffre. 2 volumes (Paris: Plon, 1932), vol. I, pp. 484–86; see also Adolphe Laurens, Le Commandement naval en Méditerranée, 1914–1918 (Paris: Payot, 1931), pp. 52–56; and Thomazi, Guerre navale dans l’Adriatique, pp. 52–57. A summary of the arguments is in Halpern, Naval War in the Mediterranean, pp. 31–37. 7. The subject is thoroughly examined in Halpern, Naval War in the Mediterranean , pp. 69–75, 102–106. 8. Haus’s memorandum is a classic exposition of a defensive strategy and printed in full in Hans Hugo Sokol, Österreich-Ungarns Seekrieg (Vienna: Amalthea Verlag, 156 1933), pp. 164–69. See also Erwin Sieche, “Die diplomatischen Aktivitäten rund um das Haus-Memorandum vom März 1915,” Marine—Gestern, Heute 9, no. 3 (Sept. 1982), pp. 93–103; and Halpern, Haus, pp. 199–214. 9. German submarine operations in the Mediterranean can be followed in exhaustive detail in the relevant chapters of Rear Admiral Arno Spindler, Der Handelskrieg mit U-Booten, 5 volumes (Berlin [volume 5, Frankfurt am Main]: E. S. Mittler, 1932– 66. Full accounts of the activities of all small UB and UC (minelayer) submarines are in Harald Bendert, Die UB-Boote der Kaiserlichen Marine 1914–1918 (Hamburg, Berlin, and Bonn: E. S. Mittler, 2000) and idem, Die UC-Boote der Kaiserlichen Marine 1914– 1918 (Hamburg, Berlin, and Bonn: E. S. Mittler, 2001). Similar detail for Austrian submarines is in Wladimir Aichelburg, Die Unterseeboote Österreich-Ungarns, 2 vols. (Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1981). 10. The British light cruiser Dublin had also been torpedoed and badly damaged by U.4 on 9 June. 11. Revel’s policy is given in Revel to Abruzzi, 30 July and 27 August 1915, Uf¤cio Storico della Marina Militare, Rome [hereafter cited as USM], Cartella 356/3. 12. There is detailed coverage of the action from the perspective of the different navies in Sokol, Österreich-Ungarns Seekrieg, pp. 250–63; Uf¤cio Storico, La marina italiana nella grande guerra, 8 vols. (Florence: Vallecchi, 1935–42), vol. 2, chap. 15; Naval Staff (Training and Staff Duties Division), The Mediterranean, 1914–1915 (Admiralty [London], March 1923), pp. 216–25; Julian S. Corbett and Henry Newbolt, History of the Great War: Naval Operations, 5 vols. in 9 (London: Longmans, Green, 1920–31), vol. 4, pp. 106–17; and Thomazi, Guerre navale dans l’Adriatique, pp. 110–14. 13. Halpern, Naval War in the Mediterranean, p. 214. 14. See the discussion in Lothar Baumgartner, “Österreich-Ungarns Dünkirchen? Ein Gegenüberstellungen von Berichten zum Abtransport der serbischen Armee aus Albanien im Winter 1915/16,” Marine-Gestern, Heute 6, no. 2 (June 1982), pp. 46–53. 15. Haus to AOK (Armeeoberkommando, the Austrian military high command), 28 February and 12 March 1916, Kriegsarchiv, Vienna, OK/MS VIII-1/1 ex 1917, no. 1118. See also Sokol, Österreich-Ungarns Seekrieg, pp. 394–400; and Halpern, Naval War in the Mediterranean, pp. 285–87. 16. Peter Schupita, Die k.u.k. See¶ieger (Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1983), p. 192. 17. Extensive detail on the craft is in Erminio...
