In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

a p p e n d i x b Equivalent ranks British French Italian Austrian Admiral of the Fleet — — Großadmiral Admiral — Ammiraglio Admiral Vice Admiral Vice Amiral Viceammiraglio Vizeadmiral Rear Admiral Contre Amiral Contrammiraglio Kontreadmiral Commodore (1st & 2nd Class) — — Kommodore Captain Capitaine de vaisseau Capitani di vascello Linienschiffskapitän Commander Capitaine de frégate Capitano de fregata Fregattenkapitän Lieutenant Commander Capitaine de corvette Capitano de corvetta Korvettenkapitän Lieutenant Lieutenant de vaisseau Tenente di vascello Linienschiffsleutnant Sub Lieutenant Enseigne de vaisseau Sottotenente di vascello Fregattenleutnant — Aspirant de 1 ère et 2 e classe Guardiamarina Seefähnrich Midshipman — Aspirante Seekadett Naval Cadet Eleve de l’ecole navale Allievo di marina Seeaspirant Note: The subject of equivalent ranks between different navies is far more complicated than it seems and certainly not as neat as a chart like this seems to imply. For example, there is disagreement about exact gradations, some authorities ranking a Fregattenkapitän and Capitano di fregata as equivalent to a junior Captain in the Royal Navy, and a Korvettenkapitän as the equal of a Royal Navy Commander. The rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy and Capitaine de corvette in the French navy was only introduced during the war. Prior to this a distinction was made between Junior and Senior Lieutenants, the latter with more than eight years’ seniority. The only German rank mentioned in the text, that of Kapitänleutnant, is the equivalent of an Austrian Linienschiffsleutnant and a pre-war Royal Navy Senior Lieutenant . Post-war, the rank seems to have been accepted as equivalent to a Lieutenant Commander. In addition to the ranks of line of¤cers there were a wide variety of technical, administrative, and medical ranks. The varieties of warrant of¤cers, petty of¤cers, and ratings were even more numerous. The only petty of¤cer ranks mentioned in the text are usually pilots or observers. ...
