In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S My thanks are due my dear wife, Jayne, who has served as an editor and critic, attempting to rectify my errors in grammar and punctuation while offering encouragement and assistance with this endeavor. I am also very grateful to my daughter-in-law, Patty, for her patience while organizing, typing, and incorporating the countless changes I have made to this manuscript. Without her perseverance and computer skills, this book could not have come about. John Maier, William Magnan, Harry Levins, Jerry Cooper, Stephen Taaffe, and Vernon Thurmer have read all or parts of my manuscript and have offered suggestions and encouragement. My thanks are also due Robert Sloan, senior sponsoring editor at Indiana University Press, for his kindness and support. Kendra Stokes,assistantsponsoringeditor,hasalsobeenmosthelpfulinsupplying information and advice concerning the publication process. Thanks also to Jane Lyle, managing editor, and to Tony Brewer, assistant managing editor, for their help. Finally, I appreciate the time and effort expended by John McManus while writing the excellent foreword for this book. ...
