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Acknowledgments Audiences at colleges and universities all over the country were crucial to the making of this book, particularly those at Brown University , Duke University, Amherst College, Hamilton College, Haverford College, Stanford University, Swarthmore College, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California at San Francisco. I also bene¤ted from the responses of fellow philosophers at many meetings of the Society for Women in Philosophy. Special thanks are due to Linda Alcoff, Helen Longino, Lynn Nelson, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Nancy Tuana, and Alison Wylie, and to my great friend Dr. Fernando Rodriguez Casas. Both Mills College and Hamilton College granted me leaves to work on this book, for which I thank them. I also thank the president and board of the Royal Society of London for permission to quote from the Boyle Papers and the Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries, for permission to reproduce plates from The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle (1772 edition). Portions of chapter 19 ¤rst appeared in “Modeling the Gender Politics in Science,” published in Hypatia, and in “Good Science and Good Philosophy of Science,” published in Synthese. I thank the editors of these journals for permission to use this material. vii ...
