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I N DEX Aetius, 176 Albaquerque Vieira, J., xii Aquinas, T., 67, 147–148, 155–161 Aristotle, vii, 1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 67, 78–79, 83, 155– 161, 183 Arius, 174 Augustine, 161 Avicenna, 157 Aziz, Tarek, 177 Bachelard, G., 143 Bacon, Lord F., 27 Bacon, R., 27 Bain, A., 7 Balat, M., xii Baldwin, J., 38, 87, 142, 184 Balle, F., 128 Barthes, R., 104–105 Beatus of Liebana, 177 Benedict, G. A., 62 Berkeley, G., 188 Bernard, C., 133 Bernard, J., xii Bloom¤eld, L., 149 Bonfantini, M., 67 Boole, G., 8, 142 Brakel, J. van, xii Burks, A., xii Carnap, R., 115 Chouraqui, A., 62 Cicero, 148 Clauberg, J., 70 Cohen, J., viii Cohen, M., 104 Columbus, 164 Comte, A., 183 Constantine (Emperor), 174 Constantius II, 174 Cook, J. E., 181n Cook Wilson, J., 97 Cuvillier, A., 148 D’Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 70 Darwin, C., 162–169 Deledalle, G., x, xii, 25, 73, 88, 138, 141, 143 De Lacy, E., 85–86 De Morgan, A., 8 Descartes, R., ix, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 48, 83, 102, 156–157 Dewey, J., viii, 7, 20, 33, 67, 70, 76–77, 99, 115, 118–119, 148–149, 153, 187 Diogenes the Cynic, 82 Diogenes Laertius, 80 Duhamel, M., 62 Durkheim, E., 101, 107 Eco, U., x, 121–122 Einstein, 14 Elipand (Bishop), 177 Epicurus, 137–144 Eunone, 176 Eusebius, 175 Eutyches, 177 Evans, J. D., xi Everett, W. G., 183 Fay, C., 170 Fay, H. M., 31, 170 Feyerabend, P., 143 Fisch, M., 83, 170, 171 Flournoy, T., 70 Foucault, M., 65 Frege, G., 51, 137–142 Goodman, N., 143 Grote, J., 45, 153 Guillaume, P., 149–150 Gutenberg, J., 129 Hamilton, W., 37, 133–134 Harris, W. T., 183 Helbo, A., xi Herakleitos of Ephesos, 78 Hartshorne, C., 172 Heerden, M. van, xii Hegel, 95, 183 Hess-Lüttich, xii Hibben, J. G., 183 Huisman, D., 148 Hull, C. H., 115 Husserl, E., 68 Huxley, A., 48 Ingarden, R., 68 Jakobson, R., vii, xii, 120–126 James, W., 20, 45, 74, 75, 91, 92, 99,153, 186, 187, 188 Jastrow, J., 149 Jesus, 32, 173, 177 John Paul II, 177 John of Salisbury, 188 Jowett, B., 90 Julian the Apostate, 174 Kant, I., vii, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 57, 67, 75, 103, 188 Kepler, J., 27 Ketner, K. L., 181n Köhler, W., 149–151 Kuhn, T., 143 Ladd-Franklin, C., 23 Lalande, A., 25, 70 Lamarck, J.-B., 164–166 Lenin, V. I., x Leo XIII, 27 Lévy-Strauss, C., vii Llull, R., 160–161 Locke, J., 147 Lukasievicz, J., 138 Mar Dinkha IV, 177 McLuhan, M., 127–136 Marcianus, 176 Maritain, J., 67, 147 Marquand, A., 80–83, 85 Martone, P., 67 Mattéi, J.-F., 164 Marx, K., x Mead, G. H., 115, 116, 117, 187 Miéville, D., xii Mill, J. S., ix, 130 Mitchell, O. H., 10 Mohammed, 177 Mopsik, C., 62 Morris, C. S., x, xi, 114–119, 122 Moses, 177 Mounin, G., 101, 104 Napoleon, 40–41 Naville, A., 100 Nestorius, 177 Nöth, W., xii Numa Pompilius, 27 Ockham, W. of, 11, 156–157, 189 Ogden, C. K., 87, 115, 138 Origen, 179 Parmenides, 157 Pascal, B., 178 Peirce, Juliette, 25 Pelc, J., xi, 67–77 Perry, R. B., 15 Petrilli, S., x Philo, 175 Philodemus, 18, 75, 78–86, 184 Pius Nonus, 27 Plato, xii, 14, 48, 90, 99, 104, 127, 131–132, 162–169 Plotinus, 175 Poinsot, J., 147 Popper, K., 143 Pulcheria, 176 Pythagoras, 157 Ramsey, F. P., 88, 138, 139–140, 141 Randall, J. H., 178 Richards, I. A., 87, 115, 138 Robert, A., 25 Rossi-Landi, F., x Royce, J., 187, 188 Ruskin, J., 158–160 Russell, B., 11, 87, 115, 141, 153 Saint Anselm, 172, 173 Saint Jerome, 179 Saint John, 169 Santaella, L., xii Santayana, G., x, 187 Saussure, F. de, xi, 55, 62, 100–113, 121–122, 123 Schiller, F. C. S., 92–93, 98 Schlieben-Lange, B., xii Schmitz, W., xi, 88 Schneider, H., 160 Schopenhauer, A., x Scotus, Duns, 11, 56, 156–157, 173, 183, 188 Sebeok, T., x Seguin, L., 23–32 Sextus Empiricus, 79–82 Shakespeare, W., 41 Sheffer, H. M., 138 Slaughter, J. W., 96 Socrates, 141 Spencer, H., 184–185 Spinoza, B., 185, 188 Stearn, G. E., 132, 133, 135, 136 Suarez, F., 156–157 Swift, J., 127, 130–131 Tejera, V., x Thayer, H. S., 88 Theodosius I...
