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IN DE X Abraham, 300 Acheron (river of Hell), 38,44,67 Achilles, 53-54, 194 Adrian (pope), 313 Aeacus, 214 Aeneas, 46,284, 356, 358, 360. See also Aeneid Aeneid: MchristianizingW of. 284; Dido compared to Francesca, 323; influence on Inferno, 31, 39, 106-107,266-83,305,349-50; plotline of compared to Inferno, 356-65; and values of Roman culture, 359-60, 363. See also Aeneas; Virgil Aesop's fables, 171. 343-46, 348, 349, 350 Alberigo di Ugolino dei Mandredi (of Faenza), 241-42, 376 Albertus Magnus, 113 Alessio Interminei. 139 Alexander the Great, 100 Ali (son-in-law of Mohammed), 208 allegory: moral landscape of Canto I and, 26, 287; and realism in Dante's approach to reader, 261; in representation of Christ's Harrowing of Hell. 278, 282 Alphesiboeus, 273, 274 Arnphiaraus (seer), 152 Amphion (son of Jupiter), 234 Anastasius II (pope), 92 Anaxagoras,47 Andrea de' Mozzi (bishop of Florence), 121 Andreoli, Raffaello, 347 angels, 74, 80, 113,201. 227, 362. See also Lucifer; Michael anger, sin of. 132 Angiolello di Carignano, 208 Annas (son-in-law of Caiaphas), 282 Antaeus (son of Neptune), 229 Apostolic Brothers, 208 Arachne, 132 Aristotle, 32,46,67, 94 Aries (city in Provence), 81 art, religious, 327-29, 330-32, 334-35, 337-38 Arthur, King, 234 Aruns (Etruscan diviner), 152 Attila (king of the Huns), 101. 108 Auerbach, Erich, 260, 265 Augustine, St., 53,288,297 author: protagonist and narrative voice, 253-64; use of term auctor, 268, 295; Virgil's role as, 268 autobiography: Divine Comedy as, 253, 328, 341, 347; and narrative voice, 258 Avaricious, sins of the, 66-67 Averroes,47 Avicenna,47 Babel. Tower of. 228-29 Bacchelli, Riccardo, 347, 348 Baldassaro, Lawrence, 265 Baranski, Zygmunt G., 296, 389-90, 395 Barber, Joseph A., 366 Barbi, Michele, 322, 323, 324 Barbina, Alfredo, 392 Barolini, Teodolinda, 284, 297, 298 401 barratry, sin of. 159, 173, 278, 280-81, 340 Bartolomeo dei Folcacchieri, 215 Batrachomyomachia, 349 Beatrice, role of in Inferno, 32, 361. 363, 364, 371, 379 Beers, Henry, 384 Benvenuto da lmola, 208,329,342, 349,372 Bernard, St., 80, 172 Bernardini, AIdo, 391. 394 Bertran de Born, 209 bestiality, sins of, 99, 100 betrayal, sins of. 375-76 Biow, Douglas, 284 blasphemy, sin of, 113-14, 186 Bocca degli Abati, 235, 259 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 65-66, 86, 126, 127, 180, 303, 382 Boethius,67 Bonagiunta da Lucca, 293, 298 Boniface VllI (pope), 60, 145, 200, 201,202, 371 Bonturo Dati, 327 Bosco, Umberto, 347 Bottagisio, lito P., 308 Bragaglia, Cristina, 389, 391. 393 Branca Doria, 242,376 Briareus (son of Uranus), 229 Brunetta, Gian Piero, 382, 385, 386, 392, 394 Brunetto Latini, 120, 121. 355, 359 Brutus (Marcus), 248 Bunnel. George B., 393 Buoso da Duera, 235 Caccia d'Asciano, 215 Cacciaguida, 378, 380 Cacus (centaur), 186 Caiaphas (High Priest of Jews), 172, 282 Caina (division of Cocytus), 55 Camicion de' Pazzi, 234 Camilla (daughter of King Metabus), 25,46 Can Grande della Scala (ruler of Verona), 25, 378 canto, -local" and "structurally determining" types of. 299 Canudo, Ricciotto, 387 Capaneus, 113-14 Carli, Plinio, 324 Carlino de' Pazzi, 234 Casalodi, Alberto da, 153 402 I IN D E X Cassell, Anthony K., 265, 291. 296, 297 Cassius (Caius Cassius Longinus), 248 Castelvetro, 349, 350 castle, allegorical construction of. 45-46, 301, 304, 305-307, 308 Catalano de' Malavolti, 172, 338 Cato, 113, 265, 308 Cavalcanti, Guido, 86-87, 298 Cavalcanti de' Cavalcanti, 86-87 Celestine V (pope), 38,201, 371 Centaurs, 99, 186 Cerberus, 59-60,81, 361 Cesari, Antonio, 347 La Chanson de Roland (medieval French epic),227 Charbonneau-Lassay, L., 337 Charlemagne, 227 Charles of Anjou, 207, 235 Charon, 38-39, 357, 361 Chiron, 100 Christianity: demonic challengers and patterns of eschatology, 353; medieval belief in three Advents of Christ, 80-81; representations of Good Shepherd in art and literature, 330-32, 334-35; Virgil as prophet, 272-73. See also Church; theology Church: anti-clericalliterature of later Middle Ages, 331; criticism of clergy in Inferno, 66-67, 282, 371. 372, 373; Crusades and Boniface VIll, 201; doctrine on Limbo, 44; doctrine in the Purgatory, 92; sin of simony and, 144-47; socio-political reading of Divine Comedy, 367-80. See also Christianity; theology Ciacco, political prophecy of, 60 Cicero, 46, 47, 139, 248 Circe, 194, 273, 360 Clement IV (pope), 172 Clement V (pope), 145, 208, 379 Cleopatra, 53 clergy. See Church comedy: Cantos XXI-XXIll as example...
