In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THIS BOOK IS A PUBLICATION OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS 601 NoRTH MoRTON STREET BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404-3797 USA HTTP://wwW.INDIANA.EDU/-IUPRESS Telephone orders 8oo-842.-6796 Fax orders 812.-855-7931 E-mail orders IUPORDER@INDIANA.EDU© 1996 BY MARK MusA ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN 1996 BY INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS. FIRST REPRINTED IN PAPERBACK IN 1999· ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED OR UTILIZED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPYING AND RECORDING, OR BY ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. THE AssociATION oF AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PRESSEs' RESOLUTION ON PERMISSIONS CONSTITUTES THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THIS PROHIBITION. THE PAPER USED IN THIS PUBLICATION MEETS THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR INFORMATION SciENCEs-PERMANENCE oF PAPER FOR PRINTED LIBRARY MATERIALS, ANSI Z39·48-1984. MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, IJ04-1374· [RIME. ENGLISH & ITALIAN] PETRARCH: THE CANZONIERE, OR, RERUM VULGARIUM FRAGMENTA / [FRANCESCO PETRARCA] ; TRANSLATED WITH NOTES AND COMMENTARY BY MARK MusA ; INTRODUCTION BY MARK MusA WITH BARBARA MANFREDI. P. CM. INCLUDES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES AND INDEX. ISBN o-253-33944-8 (cLoTH: ALK. PAPER) I. MusA, MARK. P~496.Ez3M8 1996 851'.1-DCZO 95-35943 ISBN 0-253-21317-7 (PAPER : ALK. PAPER) 3 4 5 6 7 os 04 03 02 or for Isabella My quick-winged one, my Love, sacred-profane-profound, you know how Love has bound your lovely image to my heart, and deep in me it dwells, most marvelous of angels, forever bathing in the secrets of my heart's naked art, splashing the chilly waters ofmy words, wetting my soul most softly with your light, burning my mind in showers ofyour sound, you streak my body with supreme delight. 0 you who are intelligent in Love, you are the one who makes my world go round. (from Almost Sonnets) 18.146] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 10:41 GMT) ... nonfar idolo un nome vano, senza soggetto (rz8.76-77) ...
