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INDEX Achilles, myth of, 720 Actaeon, myth of, 535 Acts, Book of, 619 Ajax, myth of, 652 AJbertus~agnus,606 AJexander the Great, 651 Alfieri, 602, 613 Allegory, veil as sign of, 526 Alliteration: in Sonnet 236, 653; in Double Sestina 332, 704. See also Elision; Sibilants Amphion, myth of, 540 Andrea Capellanus, 622 Anger: as example ofPetrarch's use oflanguage, xxxii; link with jealousy in Sonnet 196, 635; as theme of Sonnet 330,702 Annibaldi family, 556 Anniversary poems, of Canz.oniere, 542-43, 553,560,593,612,674 Antonio de'Becarri da Ferrara, 592 Apollo, allusions to, 524, 533, 545, 550, 589, 621 Apollonius of Rhodes, 648 Aquae Sextiae, battle of, 600 Archilochus, xxiii Ardennes, forest of, 626 Argonauts, myth of]ason and, 648, 649, 665 Ariosto, 607, 626 Aristophanes, 654 Arnaud de ~areuil, 547 Art, St. Thomas Aquinas on, 595 Astrology, references to, 544, 545,569, 652, 700, 703 Augustine, St.: and philosophical roots of Petrarch's language, xviii, xxviii, xxxii; theology ofcompared to Petrarch's, xxiii, 667, 728; open declaration as rhetorical device, 532; allusions to works ofin Canz.oniere, 554, 599, 699, 721, 725; theory ofinadequacy oflanguage to express desire, 595; and doctrine of predestination, 686 Aurora, allusions to, 646, 683 Avignon. See Papacy Bacon, Roger, 625 Ballata, 526, 614 Baudelaire, Charles, xxi Beatific Vision: Church doctrine on, 608; and image ofLaura in Sonnet 342,709 Beatrice. See Dante Bembo,591 Bertran de Born, 638 Biagioli, G., 715 Bible. See specific books of Billanovich, Giuseppe, xx Black Death: and dating of Sonnet 249, 660; as cause of Laura's death, 697 Boccaccio: style ofcompared to Petrarch's, xxv, 710; on vulgarity in poetic language, xxvii; allusions to works ofin Canz.oniere, 554, 632, 716; cited by Carducci, 639,704, 710, 716; meeting with Petrarch, 677, 690; sonnet on death ofPetrarch, 681; impact of Canz.oniere on, 688 Boethius, xv, xxxi, 533, 553 Boiardo, 626 Boniface VIII, Pope, 526 Bosco, Umberto, 677 Bosone da Gubbio, 555 Bruno, Giordano, xxi Buzzuola, Ugolin, 656 Byblis, myth of, 534-35 Caetani family, 556 Callisto, myth of, 662 Canonical hours, sequence of, 587 Canzone: structure of, 541, 605; integrity of Petrarch's form of, 583; Provens:al form of, 638 Canz.oniere (Petrarch): contents and development of, xi--xii; cyclic distribution ofpoems in, xii; influence of on Western literature, xiii; modern reader's response to, xiii-xiv; as dialogue with Dante, xiv-xv; mixed style of, xxiv; chronological order ofpoems in, xxv; development of poetic language in, xxvii-xxxiv; subdivisions of, 554, 666-67. See also Petrarch; notes on specific poems Carducci, Giosue: content ofedition of Canzoniere by, ix, x; description of Sonnet 48 as sexually suggestive, 552; on classical uses ofsi trastulla, 567; influence of Horace on Canzone 72, 568; on meaning of non amezzo, 572; on Sonnet 81, 573; on Sonnet 87, 575; on Sonnet 98, 580; on image of naked Laura in Canzone 126, 596; on Petrarch's attacks on papacy, 608; on jealousy and anger in Sonnet 196, 634; citations ofBoccacio, 639, 704; criticism of Sonnet 217 by, 645; on phrasing of Sonnet 242, 657; on love poetry of Guittone d'Arezzo, 681; comparison of Sonnet 311 to Virgil, 691; and criticism of Sonnet 349, 713; dating ofCanzone 359, 717; on allusions in Canzone 360,719, 721 Castelvetro: interpretation of Canzone 37, 547; comparison ofimages in Sonnets 109 and 165, 586; on image of naked Laura in Canwne 126, 596; on Laura's smile in Sonnet 131, 604; on Sonnet 213 as Petrarch's response to rumors of bewitchment, 643; interpretation of Sonnet 247, 659; interpretation of Canzone 270, 672; on Petrarch's portrayal ofselfin Sonnet 274, 675; interpretation of Sonnet 312, 692; on imagery of Sonnet 354, 715; interpretation ofCanzone 359, 718; criticism ofCanzone 366 on theological grounds, 723-24 Catullus, xiv, 648, 670 Cavalcanti, Guido, 578, 692 Charlemagne, 538 Charles IV (Emperor), xi, 655 Chiari, Alberto, x, 577, 625, 660, 698, 699, 711,717,725 Christ, allusions to, 522, 523, 528, 540, 573, 579,581,592,599,641,648,663,706, 716,717,718 Chronology, ofpoems in Canzoniere: and mixed style of, xxv; and events of Petrarch's life, xxxv-xxxvi; of series beginning with Sonnet 240, 656; and death of Laura, 669-70. See also Dating Church. See Heresy; Index ofForbidden Books; Papacy Cicero, xiv, xxii, xxxi, 539, 600, 680, 713 Cino da Pistoia, 565, 577, 680 Clement Vl, Pope, 592, 608 Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, 706 Cola di Rienzo, 555 Colonna, Agapito, 559...
