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c o N T E N T 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii INTRODUCTION BY LARRY A. HICKMAN AND THOMAS M. ALEXANDER ix CHRONOLOGY xiii PART I: HABIT, CONDUCT, AND Analysis of Reflective Thinking LANGUAGE 1 FROM HOW WE THINK (1933) 137 The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology The Place of Judgment in (1896) 3 Reflective Activity Interpretation of Savage Mind (1902) 11 FROM HOW WE THINK (1933) 145 Introduction General Propositions, Kinds, FROM HUMAN NATURE AND CONDUCT (1922) 19 and Classes (1936) 151 The Place of Habit in Conduct The Problem of Logical Subject-Matter FROM HUMAN NATURE AND CONDUCT (1922) 24 FROM LOGIC: THE THEORY OF INQUIRY (1938) 157 Nature, Communication and Meaning The Pattern of Inquiry FROM EXPERIENCE AND NATURE (1925) 50 FROM LOGIC: THE THEORY OF INQUIRY (1938) 169 Conduct and Experience (1930) 67 Mathematical Discourse FROM LOGIC: THE THEORY OF INQUIRY (1938) 180 The Existential Matrix of Inquiry: Cultural The Construction of Judgment FROM LOGIC: THE THEORY OF INQUIRY (1938) 78 FROM LOGIC: THE THEORY OF INQUIRY (1938) 194 PART 2: MEANING,TRUTH, AND General Theory of Propositions INQUIRY 89 FROM LOGIC: THE THEORY OF INQUIRY (1938) 197 The Superstition of Necessity (1893) 91 Propositions, Warranted Assertibility, and Truth (1941) 201 The Problem of Truth (1911) 101 Importance, Significance, and Meaning Logical Objects (1916) 131 (1949) 213 PART 3:VALUATION PART 4: INTERPRETATIONS AND AND ETHICS 223 CRITIQUES 355 Evolution and Ethics (1898) 225 Democracy and America FROM FREEDOM AND CULTURE (1939) The Logic of Judgments (ON THOMAS JEFFERSON) 357 of Practice (1915) 236 Emerson-The Philosopher Valuation and Experimental of Democracy (1903) Knowledge (1922) 272 (ON RALPH WALDO EMERSON) 366 Value, Objective Reference, and Peirce's Theory of Quality (1935) Criticism (1925) 287 (ON CHARLES s. PEIRCE) 371 The Ethics of Animal Experimentation What Pragmatism Means by "Practical" (1926) 298 (1907) (ON WILLIAM JAMES) 377 Philosophies of Freedom (1928) 302 Voluntarism and the Roycean Philosophy Three Independent Factors in (1916) Morals (1930) 315 (ON JOSIAH ROYCE) 387 The Good of Activity Perception and Organic Action (1912) FROM HUMAN NATURE AND (ON HENRI BERGSON) 393 CONDUCT (1922) 321 The Existence of the World as a Logical Moral Judgment and Knowledge Problem (1915) FROM ETHICS (1932) 328 (ON BERTRAND RUSSELL) 408 The Moral Self Whitehead's Philosophy (1937) FROM ETHICS (1932) 341 (ON ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD) 416 INDEX 421 vi Contents ...
