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Index Page numbers followed by a (t) refer to tables. Aaron, Soazig, 128–30, 138n24 Abbas, Mahmoud, 68 Abdulhadi, Rabab, 500, 502, 503, 504 Abdülhamid II, Sultan, 312 Abdullah, Ramadan, 349 Abecasis, Jacob, 112–13 Abuse of Holocaust Memory, The (Gerstenfeld), 524 Achcar, Gilbert, 390, 393, 394–96, 525 Afghanistan, 405 Afghanistan Committee, 152 Af­ ri­ cana Student Alliance, 493 Af­ ri­ cana Studies curriculum, 489 Af­ ri­ can citizens of Israel, 31 Afrocentrism, 513 Aftenposten, 153 Agamben, Giorgio, 136 Agos, 324 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud: and antisemitic documentary , 354; and Chávez, 415; and conference on Holocaust, 352; ideology of, 338–39; influence of, 342; and Iranian antisemitism, 525; po­ liti­ cal/ diplomatic maneuverings of, 354–55; and “Second Holocaust,” 529; staff of, 350; and State of Israel, 338–39, 526, 528–29, 531 Ahmed, Fahd, 518n93 Akbhar al-­­Yawm, 395 Al-­Ahram, 81–82 Al-­Akhbar, 527 Al-­Ali, Naji, 502 Al-­Aqsa Mosque, 348 Al-­Awda (Palestine Right to Return Coalition), 500, 511, 512 Albayrak, Hakan, 316 Alberti, Rafael, 102 Algeria, 29 Al-­Gumhouriyya, 382, 397 All-­Af­ ri­ can People’s Revolutionary Party, 493, 511 Allen, Jim, 87 Alp, Tekin (Moise Kohen; Tekinalp), 313 al Sallam, Wahat, 28 Amaya (1952), 101 Amaya y los vascos (Villoslada), 101 Ameri­ can Arab Anti-­Discrimination Committee (ADC-­SF), 491 Ameri­ can-­Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 34 Ameri­ can Jewish Committee, 243 Améry, Jean, 524 Anadolu’da Vakit, 322 Andresen, Trond, 156 anti-­antisemitism, 244 Anti-­Defamation League (ADL), 106–107, 442 anti-­Israel (term), 62n2 antiracism, 10, 13–14, 17, 18–19, 39, 40 antisemitism: alibis for, 425, 426, 427, 433, 440–45, 447, 455–56; anti-­ , 244; exploitation of, 425–26; expressions of, 49; “feeding” of, by Israel, 37–38, 79–80; high culture, 49–50; ideologically-­ based, 3–4, 8; ideational dimension of, 49–50; modern, 242–43, 244, 263n22, 279; “scientific” basis of, 47; sec­ ondary antisemitism, 243; spread of, 66–67; stages of, in societies, 66–67; statistical data on, 242–46, 266n65; taboos against, 3–4; tolerance of, 66–67, 78–83, 89; as a term, 47; traditional, 242– 43, 244, 263n22; types of, 242–43, 263n22. See also moral question of anti-­zionism and antisemi­tism; religiously-­based antisemitism; Right-­Conserva­ tive antisemitism antisemitism, definitions of: ambiguity in, 62n2; and anti-­ Zionism, 44; and British ­ antisemitism, 70; common mistakes in, 161; as prejudice, 9; “Working Definition of Antisemitism” from EUMC, 2, 62n5, 277–78, 297–98, 307n100 Antisemitism Every­ where (Badiou and Hazan), 125 anti-­ Zionism and anti-­ Zionists, 362–79; agenda of, 167; as alibi for antisemitism, 425, 426, 427, 433, 440–45, 447, 455–56; among Israelis, 365; among Jews, 80–81, 431; among the Left, 164; “anti­ rac­ ism” claims in, 10, 13–14, 17, 18–19, 39, 40; and anti­ semitism rebuttals, 8–11; arguments of, 45– 47; Atzmon on, 458n7; campaigns of, 20–30; critique of Israel, 17–18; definition of, 62n2; and “depravity” of Jews, 20–23, 38; as intellectual phenomenon , 60; Israeli role in perpetuation of, 362– 63; and Israel Lobby, 33–35, 39; of Lysestøl, 144– 48, 150; and Middle East conflict, 26–27; moral implications of, 42, 162–63; in Norway, 141–44, 144–48, 150–57, 157–60, 160–66; Palestinian and 542 | Index Muslim reactions to, 28; and prejudice of panic, 15–17; premise of, 8; and racism, 10–13; and radi­cal Islam, 415; relationship to antisemitism, 43; and the Respect party, 409; rhetoric of, 18; and social prejudice, 14–17; and Spanish antisemitism, 103; and terrorism claims, 25; Zionist/Jew distinction in, 35–37 Antonescu, Ion, 202nn27–28 Aoude, Ibrahim, 505 “Apartheid” rhetoric, 30–33, 429–30, 460n28, 503, 505 “Apartheid Wall,” 24, 30, 32–33 apostasy, 448 Arab-­Ameri­can Anti-­Defamation Committee (ADC), 501 Arab-­Ameri­canAnti-­DiscriminationCommittee,510 Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED), 489–92, 500–505, 508, 510, 511, 518n93 Arab–Israeli conflict: depicted in Israeli films, 373; and European antisemitism, 110–11; and explanations for antisemitism, 383; and po­ liti­ cal cartoons , 105; and Spanish antisemitism, 102, 105. See also Palestine and Palestinians Arab League, 387 Arabs and the Holocaust, The (Achcar), 394 Arab world and Arabs: “anti-­Arab” propaganda, 390–92; anti-­ Jewish sentiments in, 5; and “Apartheid ” rhetoric, 30; Arab Spring, 397–98; Holocaust responses in, 388, 526–27; and Muslims in Eu­ rope, 281; nationalism in, 291; and Nazis, 527; and radio propaganda, 387; and Six Day...
