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s e l e c t b i b l i o g r a p h y o f w o r k s s i n c e 1 9 8 5 uuu Practical considerations preclude a complete bibliography here. for the most important scholarly work in chicana/o studies before 1985, the foundational literature of the first generation , see the “select Bibliography of Works after 1965” in the first edition of Mexicanos. BooKs Acosta, teresa Palomo, and ruthe Winegarten. Las Tejanas: 300 Years of History. Austin: University of texas Press, 2003. Acosta-Belén, edna, and Barbara r. sjostrom, eds. The Hispanic Experience in the United States: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. new york: Praeger, 1988. Acuña, rodolfo. Anything but Mexican: Chicanos in Contemporary Los Angeles. new york: Verso, 1996. ———. Corridors of Migration: The Odyssey of Mexican Laborers, 1600–1933. tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2007. ———. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos. 6th ed. new york: Pearson Longman, 2007. ———. U.S. Latino Issues: Contemporary American Ethnic Issues. Westport, conn.: Greenwood Press, 2003. Agrasánchez, rogelio, Jr. Mexican Movies in the United States: A History of the Films, Theaters and Audiences, 1920–1960. Jefferson, n.c.: Mcfarland, 2006. Águilar camín, Héctor, and Lorenzo Meyer. In the Shadow of the Mexican Revolution. trans. Luis Alberto fierro. Austin: University of texas Press, 1993. Alamillo, José M. Making Lemonade Out of Lemons: Mexican American Labor and Leisure in a California Town, 1880–1960. Urbana: University of illinois Press, 2006. Alaníz, yolanda, and Megan cornish. Viva la Raza: A History of Chicano Identity and Resistance. seattle, Wash.: red Letter Press, 2008. Alarcón, norma, Ana castillo, and cherríe Moraga, eds. Third Woman: The Sexuality of Latinas. Berkeley, calif.: third Woman Press, 1989. Alba, richard, and Victor nee. Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration. cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003. Aldama, frederick Luis. Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations on Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity. Austin: University of texas Press, 2006. Almaguer, tomás. Racial Fault Lines: The Historical Origins of White Supremacy in California. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of california Press, 1994. Almaráz, félix d., Jr. Knight without Armor: Carlos Eduardo Castañeda, 1896–1958. college station: texas A&M University Press, 1999. Alonzo, Armando. Tejano Legacy: Rancheros and Settlers in South Texas, 1734–1900. Albuquerque : University of new Mexico Press, 1998. Alvarado, Victoria. Mujeres de Conciencia/Women of Conscience. encino, calif.: floricanto Press, 2008. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bibliography 344 Álvarez, Luis. The Power of the Zoot: Youth Culture and Resistance during World War II. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of california Press, 2008. Álvarez, robert r., Jr. Familia: Migration and Adaptation in Baja and Alta California, 1800–1975. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of california Press, 1987. Anderson, Gary clayton. The Conquest of Texas: Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land, 1820–1875. norman: University of oklahoma Press, 2005. Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. san francisco: spinsters/Aunt Lute Book co., 1987. Arredondo, Gabriela f . Mexican Chicago: Race, Identity, and Nation, 1916–39. Urbana: University of illinois Press, 2008. Arreola, daniel d., ed. Hispanic Spaces, Latino Places: Community and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary America. Austin: University of texas Press, 2004. ———. Tejano South Texas: A Mexican American Cultural Province. Austin: University of texas Press, 2002. Artico, ceres i. Latino Families Broken by Immigration: The Adolescents’ Perceptions. new york: LfB scholarly Publishing, 2003. Ávila, eric. Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight: Fear and Fantasy in Suburban Los Angeles. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of california Press, 2004. Badillo, david A. Latinos in Michigan. east Lansing: Michigan state University Press, 2003. Balderrama, francisco e., and raymond rodríguez. Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s. rev. ed. Albuquerque: University of new Mexico Press, 2006. Barger, W. K., and ernesto M. reza. The Farm Labor Movement in the Midwest: Social Change and Adaptation among Migrant Farmworkers. Austin: University of texas Press, 1994. Barkan, elliott robert. From All Points: America’s Immigrant West, 1870s–1952. Bloomington: indiana University Press, 2007. Barrera, Mario. Beyond Aztlán: Ethnic Autonomy in Comparative Perspective. notre dame, ind.: University of notre dame Press, 1988. Barton, Paul. Hispanic Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists in Texas. Austin: University of texas Press, 2006. Bean, frank, and Marta tienda. The Hispanic Population of the United States. new york: russell sage foundation, 1987. Bejarano, cynthia L. ¿Qué Onda? Urban Youth Culture and Border Identity. tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2005. Bixler-Márquez, dennis J., et al...
