In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Álvarez, Santiago. “Arte y Compromiso.” El Mundo, Havana (1968). Reprinted in Hojas de Cine: Testimonios y Documentos Del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, vol. 3. Mexico City: Secretaría de Educación Pública, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana , Fundación Mexicana de Cineastas, 1988. 35–37. ———. “Cinema as One of the Mass Communications Media.” Cine Cubano, nos. 49–51 (1968). Reprinted in Santiago Álvarez, edited by Michael Chanan. BFI Dossier, no. 2. London: British Film Institute, 1980. 27–30. ———. “5 Frames Are 5 Frames, Not 6, but 5: An Interview with Santiago Álvarez.” Cineaste 6, no. 4 (Spring 1975): 17–23. ———. “Interview: From Hanoi to Yungay.” Hablemos de Cine, nos. 55–56 (1970). Reprinted in Santiago Álvarez, edited by Michael Chanan. BFI Dossier, no. 2. London: British Film Institute, 1980. 13–22. ———. “Motivaciones de un Aniversario o Respuesta Inconclusa a un Cuestionario que no Tiene Fin.” Revista Cine Cubano, nos. 54–55 (1969). 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