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Bibliography Foucault References References to Anthologies and Collections of Foucault’s Works Foucault, michel. de1, de2, de3, & de4. Dits et Ecrits, Tomes I–IV. daniel defert and François ewald (eds.). Paris: Gallimard, 1994. Foucault, michel. eW1. Essential Works, Volume 1: Ethics, Subjectivity, and Truth. ed. Paul rabinow. new york: new Press, 1997. Foucault, michel. eW2. Essential Works, Volume 2: Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology . James Faubion and Paul rabinow (eds.). new york: new Press, 1998. Foucault, michel. eW3. Essential Works, Volume 3: Power. James Faubion and Paul rabinow (eds.). new york: new Press, 2000. Foucault, michel. Fr. The Foucault Reader. ed. Paul rabinow. new york: Pantheon , 1984. Foucault, michel. PK. Power/Knowledge. ed. Colin Gordon. new york: Pantheon Books, 1980. Foucault, michel. PPC. Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977–1984. ed. lawrence Kritzman. new york: routledge, 1988. References to Foucault’s Works Foucault, michel. 1954. “introduction” to Binswanger’s Dream and Existence in de1. Foucault, michel. 1961 (2006). History of Madness. Jean Khalfa and Jonathan murphy (trans.). new york: routledge. Foucault, michel. 1963a (1973). The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. A. m. sheridan smith (trans.). new york: Vintage. 312 Bibliography Foucault, michel. 1963b (1998). “A Preface to transgression” in Foucault, Essential Works, Volume 3: Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology. ed. James d. Faubion. new york: new Press. Foucault, michel. 1964. “introduction to Kant’s Anthropology.” roberto nigro and Kate Briggs (trans.). los Angeles: semiotext(e), 2008. Also available online as Foucault, “introduction to Kant’s Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view,” Arianna Bove (trans.), at /fpfoucault1.htm, Feb. 2008. Foucault, michel. 1966 (1970). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. new york: Vintage, 1970. Foucault, michel. 1967a. “on the Ways of Writing history” in eW2. Foucault, michel. 1967b. “Qui êtes-vois, professeur Foucault?” in de1. Foucault, michel. 1967c. “nietzsche, Freud, marx” in eW2. Foucault, michel. 1968. “réponse à une question” in de1; also in Esprit 36, no. 5, may 1968: 850–74; also in english as “history, discourse and discontinuity (‘réponse à une question’),” Anthony m. nazzaro (trans.) in Salmagundi 20, summer–Fall 1972: 225–48. Foucault, michel. 1969a (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge. A. m. sheridan smith (trans.). new york: Pantheon. Foucault, michel. 1969b. “Foucault responds to sartre” radio interview by JeanPierre el Kabbach, trans. John Johnston, in Foucault, sylviere lotringer (ed.), Foucault Live. new york: semiotext(e), 1989. Foucault, michel. 1970a. “the order of discourse” as appendix (under the title “the discourse on language”) to Foucault 1969a. Foucault, michel. 1970b. “le Piège de Vincennes” interview with P. loriot in de2. Foucault, michel. 1970c. “theatrum Philosophicum” in eW2. Foucault, michel. 1971. “nietzsche, Genealogy, history” in eW2. Foucault, michel. 1972a. “return to history” in eW2. Foucault, michel. 1972b. “A historian of Culture” debate with Giulio Preti in Foucault, sylvère lotringer (ed.), Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961–1984. new york: semiotext(e), 1996. Foucault, michel and deleuze, Gilles. 1972c (1980). “intellectuals and Power” conversation with Gilles deleuze, in Foucault, donald Bouchard (ed.), Language , Counter-Memory, and Practice. ithaca, n.y.: Cornell University Press. Foucault, michel. 1972d (1983). “Preface” to Gilles deleuze and Félix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus. robert hurley, mark seem, and helen r. lane (trans.). minneapolis : University of minnesota Press. Foucault, michel. 1972e (1998). “my Body, this Paper, this Fire” in Foucault, Essential Works, Volume 2: Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology. ed. James d. Faubion . new york: new Press. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 01:49 GMT) Bibliography 313 Foucault, michel. 1973. “de l’archéologie à la dynastique” interview with s. hasumi in de2. Foucault, michel. 1974 (2006). Psychiatric Power, Lectures at the Collège de France, 1973–4. Arnold davidson, Jacques lagrange, François ewald, and Alessandro Fontana (eds.), Graham Burchell (trans.). new york: Picador. Foucault, michel. 1975a (1997). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Alan sheridan (trans.). new york: Vintage Books. Foucault, michel. 1975b (2003). Abnormal, Lectures at the Collège de France, 1974–5. Arnold davidson, Valerio marchetti, Antonella salomoni, François ewald, and Alessandro Fontana (eds.), Graham Burchell (trans.). new york: Picador. Foucault, michel. 1975c (1980). “Prison talk” interview with J.-J. Brochier in Foucault, Power/Knowledge. ed. Colin Gordon. new york: Pantheon. Foucault, michel. 1976a (1978). The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction (The Will to Know). robert hurley (trans.). new york: Vintage Books. Foucault, michel. 1976b (2003). Society Must be Defended, Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975–1976. Arnold davidson...
