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Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xxiii List of PURL Audio and Video Files xxix introduction: Context and Concepts: singing The lord’s prayer as Freedom in a tamil land 1 1 How Can The subaltern speak? Musical style, Value, and the Historical process of (Re)indigenization of tamil Christian Music 34 2 sharing the Meal: a dalit Family’s dialogue with the History of tamil Christian Music, 1850–1994 62 3 parat·t·ai’s Theology: Greeting God in the Cēri 119 4 ethnography as transformative Musical dialogue 167 5 Reception and transformation from seminary to Village 202 6 performing Global dalit Consciousness 254 Appendixes Appendix 1: Song Transcriptions transcription 1: “iyēsusāmi Kantuttanda sebam” (The lord’s prayer) 270 transcription 2: “Kuttam un·arur¯ adu” (Repentance of sin) 272 transcription 3: “Virundu parimār¯ ur¯ adu” (Meal sharing song) 273 transcription 4a–4d: “sāmiya Van·aṅgur¯ adu” (Greetings and praise of God) 274 Appendix 2: Song Lyrics by Rev. J. Theophilus Appavoo (Parat·t·ai) “ammād·i Kut·t·i pon·n·ē” (My little Girl) 285 “inikkāda tēnumilla” (Without sweetness There is no Honey) 286 “allēlūyā allēlūyā” (alleluia) 286 “pudiya pudiya talaimur¯ aikku, pudiya pudiya siluva” (For every new Generation There is a new Cross) 287 x Contents “Bumiyil Vār¨ ur¯ a” (living on earth) 287 “Ᾱn·d·avanē eṅga Ᾱt·t·id·aiyan” (The lord is our shepherd) 288 “Ᾱn·d·avanē nī eṅga Kot·t·ai” (lord, You are our Fortress) 288 “an·n·at ˙ a an·n·at ˙ a” (elder Brother) 289 “Ᾱn·n·ē tambi Māppil ˙ l ˙ ē” (elder and Younger Brother, son-in-law) 290 “otta sad·a, Ret·t·ai sad·a” (one Braid, two Braids) 291 Notes 293 References 319 Index 331 ...
