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notES on contRiButoRS SARA HEINÄMAA is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at Uppsala University and Senior Lecturer of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Helsinki. She currently works as Academy Fellow at the Helsinki collegium for Advanced Studies and leads a research group, European Rationality in the Break from Modernity, financed by the Academy of Finland. Heinämaa’s expertise is in phenomenology and existential philosophy, and her work is focused on the problems of perception,embodiment,personhood,and intersubjectivity . She is author of Toward a Phenomenology of Sexual Difference and two other volumes on the phenomenology of the body. She has published widely on Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Beauvoir, and Irigaray, and is a co-editor of two volumes in history of the philosophy of mind,Consciousness and Psychology and Philosophy. ROBIN MAY SCHOTT is Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, in the section for Holocaust and genocide studies, and Research Professor at the Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University. She is author of Discovering Feminist Philosophy: Knowledge, Ethics, Politics and Cognition and Eros: A Critique of the Kantian Paradigm, and editor of several books, including Feminist Philosophy and the Problem of Evil (Indiana University Press, 2007). For some time she has focused her research on the concept of evil and issues of conflict, war, and gender— including the issue of mass war rape. More recently she also has been working on philosophical analyses of school bullying as part of the group research project “Exploring Bullying in Schools” at DPU. VIGDIS SONGE-MØLLER is Professor of Philosophy and chairperson of the Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen. Her publications include Philosophy without Women: The Birth of Sexism in Western Thought; Tanker om opprinnelsen: Tidlig gresk filosofi fra Hesiod til Demokrit (Thoughts on origins: Early Greek Philosophy from Hesiod to Democritus); and Zwiefältige Wahrheit und zeitliches Sein: Eine Interpretation des parmenideischen Gedichts (Two-Sided Truth and Temporal Being: An Interpretation of the Poem by Parmenides). Her focus of research is ancient Greek philosophy , especially the pre-Socratics and Plato, as well as contemporary feminist philosophy, which she uses to give feminist interpretations of classical texts—in particular by Hesiod, Anaximander, Parmenides, and Plato. 254 contributors SIGRIDUR THORGEIRSDOTTIR is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Iceland. She studied philosophy in Boston and Berlin. She has published Vis Creativa: Kunst und Wahrheit in der Philosophie Nietzsches (Vis creativa: Art and Truth in Nietzsche’s Philosophy) and Kvenna megin (Women’s Side), and has edited and co-edited books on the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir, the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, and family and justice. Thorgeirsdottir is chairperson of the board of the EDDA center of Excellence, and chairperson of the board of GET, a transnational gender equality training program for fellows from developing countries at the University of Iceland. ...
