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Ger m a n–Engl ish Glossa ry Page numbers refer to the pagination of the German edition. Abbau deconstruction Abbild copy. See also Bild Anblick look; image (p. 170) Anfang inception Angst angst (p. 95) Anschein illusion, semblance Ansehen respect Ansicht view; vista. See also Blick anwesen to presence Anwesenheit presentness (p. 152) Aufbruch awakening (p. 14). A reference to the National Socialist revolution. Aufgeschlossenheit disclosedness (pp. 111, 113, 114) aufheben supersede (pp. 74–75, 77) Auftrag mission, vocation Auseinandersetzung confrontation Aussehen appearance, look; what a thing looks like (p. 152). This is not necessarily a deceptive appearance, which Heidegger usually calls Schein. The appearance of a thing may be a genuine self-display. begegnen confront, encounter, come upon Beginn beginning. See p. 11 for the contrast with Anfang, inception. Behalt the preserve (p. 259) beherrschen rule, dominate 231 232 German–English Glossary Bereich domain Beruf vocation Berufung calling besinnen reflect, contemplate, meditate Bestimmung vocation; determination, definition, feature, characterization, characteristic , type Bild image Bindung binding, obligation (p. 213) Blick view, gaze blicken to view, to look Boden basis; soil (pp. 263, 271). A charged term in political contexts, evoking the nationalist slogan Blut und Boden, “blood and soil.” Dasein Dasein; existence (p. 51), determinate Being (p. 73). See the translators ’ foreword for the meaning of this term in Heidegger. We use “existence” and “determinate Being” in the context of other philosophers ’ thought. eigentlich authentic, genuine, real, true, proper. When this term arguably has some of the force of the concept of Eigentlichkeit in Being and Time, we use “authentic”; elsewhere it is simply an intensifier. Einsatz engagement entbergen unconceal Entschlossenheit resoluteness Erkenntnis cognition, knowledge, realization ermächtigen empower Erscheinung phenomenon Existenz existence. See pp. 177, 218–19 for Heidegger’s explanations of the term. existenziell existentiell (pp. 24, 211). The “existentiell ” is defined in Being and Time as that which concerns a particular way of existing. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 23:39 GMT) German–English Glossary 233 Führer Führer (pp. 211, 225) Führerschaft, Führung leadership (pp. 3, 4, 273, 274) Gefüge structure, organization, (power) relations , interrelation, conjunction (p. 4) Gegenwart presence Gegenwärtigung presencing Geist, geistig spirit, spiritual. See the translators’ foreword for a discussion of these terms. Geltung validity Gerede idle talk Geschichte history, story. See translators’ note, p. 136. Geschichtlichkeit historicity Geschick destiny Geschlecht generation (p. 4), lineage (pp. 90 n., 178) Gleichheit equivalence, equality Grund ground, foundation Grund- fundamental, groundHalt standpoint, steadfastness (p. 207) Haltung attitude, deportment, how we hold ourselves (p. 200) Haltungslosigkeit lack of binding discipline (p. 291) das Helle the clear (p. 155). See also Lichtung Herkunft provenance, heritage (pp. 12, 86) Herrschaft mastery, rule herrschen rule, dominate, reign Her-stellen, Herausstellen setting-forth (pp. 93, 116) Irre errancy (pp. 77, 237, 302) irren err Irrtum error Kampf struggle. See the translators’ foreword for a discussion of this term. Kraft strength Leiblichkeit bodily Being (p. 211) lichten; Lichtung to clear (pp. 160, 177); clearing (p. 160) 234 German–English Glossary Mensch; Menschen human being, humanity, man; human beings, people. The term is gender-neutral. In Heidegger’s discussions of the allegory of the cave, der Mensch is sometimes ambiguous between “humanity” and “the [particular] human being.” Menschenstamm ethnicity (p. 89). See also Stammesart Mitanwesenheit co-presence (pp. 114–15) Miteinandersein being-with-one-another (pp. 57, 158, 194) Mitsein being-with (p. 14) Nation nation nichtig null das Nichts the nothing Not urgency, urgent need, needs nötigen compel by need (p. 100) offenbaren reveal Offenbarkeit openness; revelation (p. 168). The condition in which beings are revealed to us. Heidegger uses this term as a near synonym for Unverborgenheit , unconcealment. Offenbarung, Offenbarwerden revelation Offenheit openedness (p. 110). A silent, receptive attention to beings in their Being. Phänomen phenomenon präsentieren to present Präsenz Presence (p. 152) Rede discourse reden speak; talk; discourse Sache matter, thing Satz proposition, statement Schein semblance, seeming, illusion scheinbar illusory, apparent Schicksal fate schweigen keep silent [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 23:39 GMT) German–English Glossary 235 seiend in Being (pp. 138, 168); being (pp. 46, 229). Seiend is the verbal adjective of “to be.” It is often difficult to render in English, and we have altered the grammar of a few passages that use it; e.g., on p. 168 “the being that is” translates “das Seiende, das seiend ist.” das Seiende; Seiendes beings, a being, that which is, what is...
