In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Boxes, taBles, and graPHs box 2.1. The difficulty of reaching consensus about the nature, causes, and consequences of major international Events: The case of iraq 64 box 2.2. The international crisis Group 82 box 3.1. policy Gaps and the World court project 108 box 3.2. The revolving door of personnel for the Three uns 118 box 5.1. oda as 0.7 percent of Gdp 170 box 5.2. The international promotion and protection of children’s rights: unicEF and the convention on the rights of the child 179 box 5.3. undp 185 box 5.4. millennium development Goals and Targets 188 box 7.1. definitions of climate change 238 box 7.2. un milestones in protecting the Environment 249 box 7.3. The human development report 2007/2008 252 box 9.1. celebrities as actors in Global Governance 296 box 9.2. The World health organization 300 Table 3.1. World military Expenditures, 1950–2005 92 Table 3.2. number of nuclear Warheads in the inventory of the Five npT nuclear Weapons states, 1945–2005 116 Table 8.1. child mortality rates in iraq, 1960–2005 277 Table 9.1. regional breakdown of hiv/aids statistics, 2007 293 Graph 3.1. World military Expenditures and Gross World product, 1960–2005 99 Graph 3.2. World military personnel and population, 1960–2005 99 Graph 3.2. World arms Exports, oda, and international Trade, 1970–2005 99 ...
