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contents c xI PREfACE, DEDICATIoN, AND ACkNowLEDGMENTS / CARoLE T. GEE xIx ThE CAREER of TED DELEvoRyAS: APPRECIATIoN AND PUBLICATIoNS / ThoMAS N. TAyLoR, EDITh L. TAyLoR, AND ChARLES P. DAGhLIAN Part 1 Morphological innovations in Mesozoic Plants 1 architectural innovation and Developmental controls in some Mesozoic Gymnosperms, or, Why Do the leaf crowns in Mesozoic Forests look tufted? 5 IAN SUSSEx, NANCy kERk, AND CARoLE T. GEE 2 Modern traits in early Mesozoic sphenophytes: the Equisetum-like cones of Spaciinodum collinsonii with in situ spores and elaters from the Middle triassic of antarctica 15 ANDREw B. SChwENDEMANN, ThoMAS N. TAyLoR, EDITh L. TAyLoR, MIChAEL kRINGS, AND JEffREy M. oSBoRN 3 Pollen and coprolite structure in Cycadeoidea (Bennettitales): implications for Understanding Pollination and Mating systems in Mesozoic cycadeoids 35 JEffREy M. oSBoRN AND MACkENZIE L. TAyLoR 4 independent evolution of seed enclosure in the Bennettitales: evidence from the anatomically Preserved cone Foxeoidea connatum gen. et sp. nov. 51 GAR w. RoThwELL AND RUTh A. SToCkEy 5 a Mosaic of characters in a new Whole-Plant Araucaria, A. delevoryasii Gee sp. nov., from the late Jurassic Morrison Formation of Wyoming, U.s.a. 67 CARoLE T. GEE AND wILLIAM D. TIDwELL 6 Major innovations in angiosperm evolution 97 DAvID L. DILChER 7 implications of Fossil Floral Data on Understanding the early evolution of Molecular Developmental controls of Flowers 119 DAvID wINShIP TAyLoR Part 2 Phylogeny of Mesozoic Plants 8 late triassic Ginkgoleans of north america 173 SIDNEy R. ASh 9 Review of the cycads and Bennettitaleans from the Mesozoic of argentina 187 N. RUBéN CúNEo, IGNACIo ESCAPA, LILIANA vILLAR DE SEoANE, ANALíA ARTABE, AND SILvIA GNAEDINGER 10 the Bennettitales (cycadeoidales): a Preliminary Perspective on this arguably enigmatic Group 215 wILLIAM L. CREPET AND DENNIS w. STEvENSoN 11 endemism of early cretaceous conifers in Western Gondwana 247 SERGIo ARChANGELSky AND GEoRGINA M. DEL fUEyo [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 10:05 GMT) 12 oldest Known Dicotyledonous lianas from the early late cretaceous of Utah and new Mexico, U.s.a. 271 wILLIAM D. TIDwELL, SIDNEy R. ASh, AND BRookS B. BRITT Part 3 ecosystems and Mesozoic Plants 13 Palynological evidence for conifer Dominance within a Heterogeneous landscape in the late Jurassic Morrison Formation, U.s.a. 295 CARoL L. hoTToN AND NINA L. BAGhAI-RIDING 14 Mesozoic Plants and Dinosaur Herbivory 331 P. MARTIN SANDER, CARoLE T. GEE, JüRGEN hUMMEL, AND MARCUS CLAUSS 361 CoNTRIBUToRS 365 INDEx ...
