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Preface The European Union (EU) today differs considerably from the integration project that began in the 1950s. Initially conceived as a way to safeguard peace and enable economic recovery among six Western European countries, the EU has developed into one of the world’s most formidable trading blocs spanning much of the European continent. Its future, however, is very much in flux. The recent controversies over the ratification of a constitutional treaty and disagreements concerning policy reforms and how to finance them has once again evoked fundamental disagreements over the future direction of the EU. Given the prospect of still more countries lining up to join, some member states argue against further political integration whereas others continue to push for ambitious policy and institutional reforms. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, the European Union represents a hugely influential vehicle for organizing Europe and constitutes a unique experiment of “deep” international cooperation. Economically it has boosted prosperity levels. Politically it has fostered the democratic transition of former fascist and communist dictatorships, and has also helped to overcome the artificial division of Europe caused by the Iron Curtain and the Cold War. On the other hand, the EU has often been criticized for favoring big business over the economic, social, and political needs of its citizens. Others accuse the EU of lacking transparency and accountability in its institutional processes, and some claim that European integration has led to the gradual erosion of national and cultural differences and traditions. For these reasons the EU remains a highly intriguing subject, as it offers clear examples of the impact of politics on societies. The EU is not the European equivalent of the United States of America, but it is also much more than a traditional 1-EUE FM (i-xviii).indd 9 9/24/08 9:10:44 AM x · Preface international organization. Throughout its existence, European leaders have continually been faced with far-reaching decisions: Which issues are better organized at the EU level and which should remain under the domain of the nation-state? Must member states give up parts of their national sovereignty for the sake of creating an ever closer union? To what extent should national differences prevail on how to organize a society’s political, economic, social, and cultural spheres? From these perspectives, the past decades of the European integration project have given us valuable lessons in state building and the choices confronting political leaders and citizens. This book offers a broad overview of the politics and policies of the European Union. Part 1 focuses on the key economic and political parameters but also the main actors and processes that have shaped the EU integration process, concluding with a discussion of enlargement that charts the development of the EU into a union of twenty-seven member states. Part 2 discusses the EU’s institutional mechanisms and main actors, and part 3 deals with crucial policies and their impact on European societies and the wider world. In recent years the EU has been the subject of a broad range of books and academic articles. To my knowledge, however, the overwhelming majority of publications are directed at an audience already tuned in to the language of political science and its related analytical and methodological concepts. Postgraduate and academic readership in particular seems to have a comprehensive library of materials on the EU. On the other hand, a number of publications portray the EU in a rather basic and rudimentary light. This book aims to close this gap by offering an in-depth yet concise introduction to the European Union and its institutions and polices in a style accessible to undergraduate as well as high school students, indeed to any reader, young or old, academic or professional, with an interest in politics and history. To provide a coherent understanding of the subject, I highlight a number of key issues surrounding the main areas of debate and controversy. For those seeking more advanced study, a list of publications organized according to the book’s chapters is provided at the end. 1-EUE FM (i-xviii).indd 10 9/24/08 9:10:44 AM ...
