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Index Page numbers in italics refer to figures Absolutism, 148 Academy of Arts, 63–64, 155, 238 Academy of Sciences, 64; bookstore of, 63, 65, 71, 153, 154, 155, 238 Admiralty, 238, 274n34 Agafonov, Mikhailo Iakovlev (architect), 100, 107–108, 112, 130, 140, 197, 205 Aksënov, Aleksandr, 38 Aleksandr Nevskii Monastery, Petersburg, 14, 51, 57, 63, 152, 153, 193–194, 238 Aleksandra Pavlovna, Grand Duchess, 152 Alekseevskii Convent, Moscow, 214 Alexander Pavlovich, Grand Duke, 118, 190, 191, 193, 239, 240; coronation of, 216; as tsar, 196–197 Alexandrine Theater, 230 Andreanov, Nikolai Iur’evich (Dmitrov voevoda), 42–43, 68, 149 Andreevskoe estate, 171, 172, 173 Anfim, Bishop, 119 Annunciation Church, Aleksandr Nevskii Monastery, 193 Annunciation Church, Dmitrov, 96, 113 Antipa Matveevich, Father, 100, 158 Antoniev Dymskii Monastery, 236 Antonii, Archbishop, 54 Apprenticeship, 103, 229. See also Tolchënov, Ivan Alekseevich, apprenticeship of Apraksin, Stepan Stepanovich, 171; estate of, see Ol’govo estate Archangel Cathedral, Moscow, 79 Archangel Michael Church, 219 Arkharov, Nikolai Petrovich (Moscow governor-general), 94 Army, 92. See also Billeting of troops Arsenal, Petersburg, 238 Arsenii, Archbishop, 133 Ascension Church, Moscow, 119, 131, 158, 159 Astrakhan, 55 Balloting, see Voting Bankruptcy, 181, 253, 254; laws on, 27, 185– 186, 187–188; trial for, 187, 188, 192, 196, 198, 203, 217, 226–227 Baptisms, 53–54, 74, 88, 162 Baranshchikov, Vasilii (memoirist), 252 Bazhenov, Vasilii, 278n4 Beliaev (gardener), 79, 83, 84, 90, 91, 97, 100, 220 Berezin, Aleksandr (memoirist), 252 Bespalov, Koz’ma Sergeev (cousin’s husband ), 162, 164 Bespalova, Mar’ia Mikhailovich (cousin), 164 Bestuzhev, Nikita Ivanovich (governor of Moscow), 32, 33 Bestuzhev Commission, 33, 34, 41 Betskoi, Ivan, 9, 104 Bibikov, Squire P. I., 223, 228–229 Billeting of troops, 27–28, 33, 35, 92, 115 Bills of exchange, 73, 180; law on, 27. See also Bankruptcy; Creditors; Debt Blagovo, 159 Blessed Virgin icon, 214 Boerner, Peter, xiv Bogorodskoe village, 234 Bol’shoi Theater, 238, 239 Boloto market, 73, 156 Bolotov, Andrei (memoirist), xviii, 21, 53, 264n22 Boris and Gleb Monastery, Dmitrov, 1, 2, 3, 70, 124 Boris and Gleb Monastery, Torzhok, 232 Borodino, 249 306 index Borovichi rapids, 16, 17, 46, 47–48 Borovichi town, 46, 47 Botovo estate, 132, 171 Boundaries, social, 144, 150, 253. See also Ranks; Status, social Bourdieu, Pierre, xxi, xxiii Bribery, 33–34 Bruis, Count Iakov Aleksandrovich (Moscow military governor and Petersburg governor-general), 105, 112– 113, 144, 156 Burgomasters, 25, 77, 91, 93, 95, 98 Burkhardt, Jakob, xx Bykov, Ivan Petrov (stepmother’s second husband), 88, 89 Camporezi, Francesco (architect), 171 Canals, 14; Ladoga, 17, 18 Cathedral Church of the Epiphany, 232 Cathedral of Archangel Michael, 191 Catherine II (the Great), 7, 26, 31, 38, 51– 52, 56, 81, 98, 118, 119, 191, 240; attitudes toward, 193–194, 221, 239; burial of, 193, 194; coronation of, 192; coup of, 54, 172, 202, 247; death of, 176, 183; and education , 9, 103, 104, 105; and freemasonry, 145; reforms of, 44, 92, 98, 110, 112, 113, 134, 136, 252–253 Catherinian Hermitage, 205 Catholic Church, 239–240 Cavos, Caterino (composer), 238, 239 Celebrations, 54, 64–65, 71, 118. See also Weddings Census (1763), 2 Ceremonies, 118–119, 169, 190–191, 221, 238; for new government o≈ces, 98, 99. See also Coronations; Imperial family Charitable initiatives, see Philanthropy Charter to the Towns, 136, 287n9 Chechulin, Nikolai, xxiv, 254 Chernyshëv, Count Zakhar (Moscow governor-general), 96–97, 144, 149 Chesmenskii, General Aleksandr Alekseevich , 247 Chief Magistracy, Moscow, 25, 35, 43, 44, 90, 95, 97 Child mortality, 14, 101, 122–130, 231 Childbirth, 101–102, 140, 162, 176 Children, 224; emotional attachment to, 123, 125–130, 231; illegitimate, 247. See also Child mortality China factory, Verbilki, 4, 94, 99, 174 Chivalric orders, 194, 195 Chobotov, 157, 158, 163, 203, 205 Choikin gardens, 203, 204 Christ the Savior icon, 215 Christ the Savior nail (Nail of Our Lord), 213, 215 Christenings, see Baptisms Church Administration, 140, 141, 149 Church of Basil the Blessed, Intercession Cathedral, Moscow, 157, 223 Church of Metropolitan Aleksei, 203 Church of Nikita the Martyr, 219 Church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker, 158, 170, 219 Church of the Annunciation, St. Nil Monastery, 232 Church of the Kazan Madonna, Sushch ëvo, 21 Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Kapel’ki, 223 Church of the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, see Presentation Church, Dmitrov Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Goncharsk region, 90 Church of the Tikhvin Madonna, Krasnoe Selo, 223 Church of the Trinity, Syromiatniki, 250 Churches...
