In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments We thank the Norwegian Research Council, the Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the French Ministry of Foreign Affaires and Égide for the initial Aurora grant that helped us transform ideas into a real book. Thanks to Unifob AS in Bergen and École Normale Supérieure (ENS de Lyon) and the CNRS LIRE team on Avenue Berthelot in Lyon for hosting several workshops, brainstorming sessions, and editorial meetings. A special thanks to Isabelle Treff and her LIRE team for managing the logistic support at CNRS LIRE in Lyon; to Alexandra Saemmer and Eliana Rosado for brainstormings in Lyon; to Stéphanie Dord-Croulé for sharing with us her early efforts to design a digital critical edition of Bouvard et Pécuchet, a book in its making that was interrupted by Gustave Flaubert’s death; to Catherine Volpihac-Auger, Jill Walker Rettberg, Hilde Corneliussen, Silje Hommedal, Daniel Jung, and Eldbjørg Gunnarson; and to many more people in Lyon and Bergen. We thank those who took part in early brainstorming sessions at Aksis in Bergen in May 2005: Ludovic Frobert, Serge Heiden, Stephen Shimanek, Annette Lundeby Gjerde, Rune Kyrkjebø, and Gisle Andersen. We thank also Henrik Ibsen’s Writings ’ general editor, Vigdis Åse Ystad, and Chief Text Encoder, Christian Janss, for their hospitality. We also thank the many participants in the worldwide Studia Stemmatologica community and the University of Helsinki for precious insights gathered during the workshops held during the two last years of this book project. We have, finally, a special warm thought for the greatly missed Bärbel ­Plötner– Le Lay (1957–2007) of CNRS LIRE for all the kind support she offered while editing early versions of this book at ENS in Lyon. ...
