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Index Abraham: and covenant, 51, 52, 151; Kierkegaard on, 69–72, 76, 90, 183n29 absolute reality, 102, 114, 116–17, 135, 177 absolutism, 5, 6, 95, 160, 161 Advaita Vedanta, 106–7, 110, 135, 160–61, 188n28 age of faith, 7, 90 agnosticism, 6, 76 almsgiving, 20, 101 ambiguity: existential, 95, 148, 169; in Hindu epics, 103; in Hinduism, 98, 100, 179n4; in human religion, 86–87; moral, 168; in Shiva, 112, 115, 118 apophatic theology, 77, 136–37, 139 Aquinas, Thomas, 15, 92–93, 168 Arafat, standing at, 24 Ardhanarisvara, 113 Arjuna, 39–40, 49, 103–6, 188n22, 193n23 Aryan, 98, 114 asceticism: as alternative to householder life, 97, 100, 105–6, 115, 118; as selfdenial , 116; in Shiva, 112, 115 atheism, 1, 6, 129, 148, 168, 174 Atheist, New, 2–3, 124, 175n3 Augustine of Hippo, 27, 163, 167–68, 181n29 austerity, 101, 113, 116 avatar, 39, 99, 115, 178n28, 188n30, 189n34 Barth, Karl: on Christ, 43, 80; on church, 81–85; on human finitude, 67, 95; on liberal theology, 76, 80; on limits of knowledge of God, 77–78, 80–81, 184n41; on revelation, 77–80, 85; and Tillich, 85, 167 belief: Caputo on, 167; contrasted with faith, 3, 7–10, 20, 87, 170; as illusion to be transcended, 108–9; Kierkegaard on, 72–74; propositions, 1, 78; Robinson on, 129; role of, in faith, 15–16, 41, 45, 50–51, 59; validity of, 3–4, 124–26, 162, 175n6 belonging: to cosmos, 11, 17, 32–34; and experience of protection, 32; to global community, 24; and humility, 24, 26; to world of meaning, 16, 35 Bhagavad Gita, 12, 39–41, 49, 103–6, 187n6, 188n28, 193n23 bhakti, 29, 32, 100, 103–9, 113, 118 bhakti yoga, 98, 105–7, 110, 119, 187n4 Bin Laden, Osama, 6, 193n26 bodhisattva, 144 Bonaventure, Saint, 17 Brahman: appearance of, 107, 109; difficulty of describing, 102–3; knowledge of, 100–103, 111; as Supreme Reality, 30, 110, 117, 135, 177n26 brahmins, 29, 178n27, 186n4 Buber, Martin, 54–55, 139 Buddha, 140–44, 175nn1–2, 187n4, 192n63, 195n1 Buddhist teachings: on emptiness, 12, 137, 140–45, 173, 191n55; on interdependence , 37, 143, 191n57; on meditation, 22; on speculative metaphysics, 140–43, 198 index 145, 158, 192n63; tradition of, 79, 98–99, 161, 186n1, 187n4, 188n28 caliph, 35, 46–47, 49–50 Calvin, John, 126, 168–69, 182n1 capitalism, criticism of, 82–85 Caputo, John: on love, 163–64; on religion without certainty, 167–70; on religious sense of life, 164–66, 168 Carlin, George, 128 Carse, James, 7–8, 10 caste: and dharma, 35, 40, 100, 105, 114; hierarchy, 29, 99, 127, 172, 187n8 Catholic Church, 43, 63, 94 certainty (certitude): false claims to, 7, 124, 173–74; inward, 100–103; lack of, 123, 167; transcending, 1–8, 96, 146–47, 192n1 Chandogya Upanishad, 101–2 Christ: and atonement, 43–45, 123; Barth on, 77–80; Christian gospel of, 54, 63, 181n29; as incarnate God, 21, 99, 137–39; Kierkegaard on, 68, 72, 74; Moltmann on, 150–53, 156; Panikkar on, 160–61; return of, 149; Robinson on, 129–32; and sacrifice, 42; Tillich on, 94 christology, 136, 138 church: Barth on, 77, 81–86; Catholic, 43, 63, 94; as institution, 123; Moltmann on, 150; Protestant, 86–87; Robinson on, 130; teaching, 15, 18, 148–49, 169, 181n29; Tillich on, 94–95 Clooney, Francis, 107, 188n29 Cloud of Unknowing, 131–34, 141 Cobb, John, 168, 194n34 Colbert, Stephen, 128 commandments, 44, 47, 51, 54–56, 58 Cone, James H., 165–66 contemplation, 20, 132–34, 163 cosmotheandric principle, 157–58, 161, 193n27 Couenhoven, Jesse, 81 covenant: Christ and, 77, 80; and faith commitment, 44, 54, 64, 71; and God’s promise, 151–52; and hope, 164; and Jewish relationship with God, 35, 51–53, 59–60; and responsibility, 11, 56–58, 150, 173, 191n57 Creel, Austin, 40 Dalferth, Ingolf, 80–81 Dao, 1–2 darsana, 111 Das, Gurcharan, 40 Davis, Richard, 117–18 Dawkins, Richard, 3, 124 death of God, 124, 126 deconstruction, 128, 137–38, 148, 160 dependence, absolute, 11, 16–17, 24–29, 33, 177n19, 177n25 Derrida, Jacques, 148, 162–64 detachment, 49, 105, 132, 135–40, 144–45 devotion: in Christian mystics, 17; in Christian worship, 87–88, 95; in Hindu puja, 29–33, 177n26, 178n27; as Hindu tradition, 98, 100, 105–6, 187n4; in Muslim worshp, 49–50; as superior to knowledge, 109, 112, 119, 189n34 Dhand, Arti, 36–37 dharma: as ethical duty, 35–41, 49, 63...
