In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments Over the twelve years since I started this project I have learned a great deal, only some of which appears in the pages that follow. I am lucky that in the process I have met many people who will be special to me until my final days. My gratitude goes far beyond the words printed here. The research on which this book is based was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Sutasoma Trust administered by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, and the British Academy . I would like to thank all of these institutions for their support. My biggest debt is clearly to the many people throughout the Budi region who helped me in so many ways during my time there. To name them all would be impossible; welu kümekeche kom. The people of Conoco Budi will always have a special place in my heart: Cornelio Painemilla Huarapil, Adelina Pichuñual Perquilef, Arturo Painemilla Huarapil, Sigisfredo Painemilla Ancan, Elba Calfupan Huenten, Mariano Painemilla Ancan, the late María Neculhual Llaima, Rene Painemilla Ancan and his wife, Pascual Painemilla , Lucia Alonso, Sigifredo Painemilla Painemilla, Christina Huenchucoy, Jaime Painemilla Painemilla, Sergio Painemilla Painemilla, Lorena Toledo, Marcelo Painemilla Painemilla, Noemi Soto Painemilla, Isabella Painemilla Pinchulaf, Pablo Reuca Naguin, Valentin Painemilla Pinchulaf, Teresa Painemilla Huenten, and all of my many malle and ñuke, peñi and lamngen. I am especially grateful to Sergio Painemilla Huarapil and Ana Ancan Cisterna for their kindness and hospitality. Most of what I know about animals, plants, and people I know from Sergio—he is the best teacher and friend one could wish for. My compadres Raúl Painemilla Painemilla, María Antileo Quimen , and their children, Isaac, Mabel, Milton, Patricio, and my goddaughter Camila Alejandra provided me with a home for most of my fieldwork. Their patience, kindness, and friendship know no limits. I am equally grateful to my many friends in other parts of Piedra Alta, Trawa-Trawa, and Huapi. I cannot name all of them here but I would particularly like to acknowledge Justo Antileo Nahuelcoy, Rosa Quimen Huillinao , Carlos Paillan Lefio, Fabio Colihuinca, Orlando Huarapil Hueraman, Andres Reuca Collío, Genoveva Neculman, Domingo Alonso Gallardo, the late Domingo Huarapil Naguín, Feliciano Ñancucheo Painemilla, Roberto Millao Cheuquecoy, Florencio Huenten Traillanca, Alicia Antileo Quimen, Mirta Antileo Quimen, Antonio Malo, the late Felipe Huenten Painequeo, Albertino Antileo, Juana Cayun, Audelio Quimen, and Nicolás Paillan. In Temuco, I would like to thank all the staff of the Instituto de Estudios Indígenas of the Universidad de la Frontera for their kindness and support. I am especially grateful to Alejandro Herrera for his friendship and advice over many years. Further gratitude is owed to Roberto Mansilla of Fundación de Desarrollo Campesino Mapuche (FUNDECAM) and to Manuel Manquepi. Many of the ideas on which this thesis is based I have discussed at length with Sergio Carihuentro Millaleo, and I am grateful to him and his family for their hospitality and friendship. Others who have helped along the way include Maurice Bloch, Matthew Engelke, Casey High, Ana Fernández Garay, Rolf Foerster, Jonathan Hill, José Andres Isla, Anne Lavanchy, Andre Menard, Roberto Morales, Suzanne Oakdale, Helmut Schindler, Hector Painequeo, Joel Sherzer, Aldo Vidal, James Woodburn, Mark Jamieson, Jonathan Parry, John Curran, Vanessa Lea, Tânia Stolze Lima, Marcio Goldman, Giovanna Bacchiddu, Frank Salomon, Bill Mayblin, Rebecca Empson, Marcelo González, Cristobal Bonelli, and Claudia Robles. Rita Astuti, Ana Mariella Bacigalupo, Philippe Descola, Tom Dillehay, Peter Gow, the late Olivia Harris, Alejandro Herrera, Sergio Painemilla, and Michael Scott have all been kind enough to read previous incarnations of this book and been generous with their responses to it. I am especially grateful to the series editor, Norman Whitten, for his kind encouragement and sound advice, and to the anonymous reviewers of the University of Illinois Press for their insightful suggestions and careful readings of previous versions. Maya Mayblin has been the savior not only of this book but also of its author, and I will never have the words to thank her sufficiently for all her love and support. My final thanks are to my mother, without whom, for far more than the obvious reasons, this book would not have been written. xiv . acknowledgments ...
