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As promised in the preface, the discussions, analyses, and theories presented in the preceding pages mark only a beginning. There is much that remains to be done given the ideas developed herein. Three topics for study by application and further development of these ideas come readily to mind. First and foremost, an examination of the rites of the Umbrian city of Iguvium, preserved in the bronze tablets of the Frater Atiieřiur, the Atiedian Brothers, needs to be undertaken. The archaic Italic rites of this priesthood are celebrated as a journey through the spaces of the city of Iguvium. Second is the Roman college of priests called the Fetiales, who traversed space to a boundary in order to declare war for Rome, who conducted their rites with a sacred stone kept in the temple of Jupiter Feretrius , who tossed a spear across a column (Columna Bellica) standing near the temple of Bellona on the field of Mars (a later rite performed in lieu of throwing a spear across the boundary). Third, the Amburbium, lustration of the Roman city, about which little information has survived. There are probably others. The author thanks his readers for their patience. 269 Postscript SSIE_postscript_FA.indd 269 6/8/06 10:50:56 AM SSIE_postscript_FA.indd 270 6/8/06 10:50:56 AM ...
