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449 Index Abderitans: and Democritus, 225–26; stupidity of, 425n2 (VIII, 26) Acheron, 416n1 (VI, 19), 417n1 (VII, 1) Achilles: armor of, 437n4 (XII, 24); death of, 430n2 (XI, 3) acorn and the pumpkin, 237–38 Adonis (La Fontaine), xxvii adventurers and the wondrous writ, 284–86 adversaries and the oyster, 245–46 Aeneas and Dido, 437n5 (XII, 24) Aesculapius, 424n1 (VIII, 16) Aesop: and the explanation of the will, 49–52; homeland of, 408n2 (II, 20); tales of, xxiv, xxvii, 20, 131–32; ugliness of, 431n2 (XI, 7) Aesopian tradition, xxiii–xxvii against those with too difficult tastes, 29–30 agriculture, goddess of, 413n1 (IV, 21), 422n6 (VIII, 4), 426n1 (IX, 11), 428n1 (X, 1), 437n4 (XII, 25), 438n4 (XII, 28) Ajax and Ulysses, 430n2 (XI, 3), 437n4 (XII, 24) Alcimadura and Daphnis, 350–53 Alecto of the Furies, 410n2 (III, 7) Alexander’s tribute from the animals, 91–94 allusions, 406–7n2 (I, 21) Amaltheia the she-goat, 432n4 (XII, 4) Amaranth and Tircis, 204–6 animal in the moon, 181–83 animals: and the fox and the ape, 136–37; ill with the plague, 156–58; intelligence of, 427n1 (IX, 20); tribute to Alexander , 91–94 ant: and the cricket, 5; and the dove, 40–41; and the fly, 80–81, 411n1 (IV, 3), 411n2 (IV, 3); and the grasshopper, xxviii ape: and the dolphin, 86–88; and the fox and the animals, 136–37; judgment against the fox and the wolf, 32; and the leopard, 236–37; and the lion and the two asses, 300–302; and the miser, 317–18; and the treasure-hoarder, 317–18, 443; who took a human wife, 344 Apelles and Zeuxis, 437n5 (XII, 25) Apollo: daughter of, 432n4 (XII, 1); as driver of dawn’s chariot, 438n5 (XII, 28); son of, 438n6 (XII, 28) Arachne and Minerva, 429n1 (X, 6) arbiter, the hospitaller, and the hermit, 395–97 Arcadia (Sidney), xxv Arcadian mounts, 417n4 (VI, 19), 424n1 (VIII, 17) Archilochus, xxiii Areopagus, 408n1 (II, 20) Arion saved by a dolphin, 411–12n2 (IV, 7) aristocrat and the merchant, the shepherd , and the prince, 288–90 index . 450 Aristophanes: The Thesmophoriazusae, 406n1 (I, 21) Aristotle: Rhetoric, 434n2 (XII, 13) arts of household skills, 438n2 (XII, 28) ass(es): and the dog, 212–13; dressed in lion’s skin, 127; and his masters, 141; and the horse, 145; and the lion and the ape, 300–302; and the lion go hunting, 48–49; with a load of holy relics, 121; load of sponges vs. load of salt, 39–40; and the miller and his son, 55–57; and the old man, 138; and the pup, 84; skin of, 422n8 (VIII, 4); and the thieves, 16 astrologer who fell into a well, 41–43 astrology, 424n2 (VIII, 16), 430n2 (XI, 4) Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis, 413n1 (V, 6), 420n1 (VII, 13), 430n3 (XI, 4), 437n3 (XII, 25), 438n7 (XII, 28) Augsbourg, League of, 433n1 (XII, 10) Babrius, xxiv Bacchus, 438n3 (XII, 28) banquet of the gods, 434n6 (XII, 12) Barillon, M., 421n3 (VIII, 4) Barillon, Paul de, 192–94, 421n1 (VIII, 4) bat: and the bush and the duck, 323–24; and the two weasels, 33–34 Baucis and Philemon, 353–59 bear: and the garden-lover, 200–201; and the two companions, 126–27 beggar’s sack, 9–10 Belisarius, 290, 430n1 (X, 15) Bellerophon and Pegasus, 422n1 (VIII, 10) Bellona, 433n2 (XII, 10) Belphegor, 365–73, 438n1 (XII, 27) Bertrand, 254–55, 425n1 (IX, 3), 432n1 (XII, 3) Bias of Priene, 421n1 (VIII, 2) bird-catcher and the hawk and the lark, 144 bird wounded by an arrow, 34–35 bitch and her friend, 35 Boreas and Phoebus, 133–34, 415n1 (VI, 3) Bouillon, chevalier de, 109–11, 413n1 (V, 1) Bourbon, François-Louis de, 433–34n1 (XII, 12), 434n2 (XII, 12) Bourgogne, Louis, duc de, 313–16, 316– 17, 320–21, 432n1 (XII, 1), 433n1 (XII, 5); fable written by, 433n1 (XII, 9) Brahman and the maiden, 241–44 breeding, 222–23 Brienne, comte de, 109–11, 413n1 (V, 1) Bueil, Honoré, marquis de Racan de, 409n2 (III, 1) bulls and a frog, 33 bush and the bat and the duck, 323–24 bust and the fox, 95, 442 Butler, Samuel: “The Elephant in the Moon,” 421n2 (VII, 17) cabbage planter turned pope, 419–20n1 (VII, 11) Caesar and Laridon, 222–23 Calliope, 407n1 (II, 1) camel and the floating sticks, 89–90 candle, 248–49 capon and the...
