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34 Skydiver In the clay abstract it was winsome for the skydiver. So it befell. So in the short run he sped, in the long run he grieved. Over and over the voluptuous tune played, and the plague befell, as the warranty ceased in the abstract. So as from a great height he spied. And the earth was alive with vehicles and common men. And the cliffhanger stole the show. Until at length it was time again for the skydiver to suit up. And so befell the winsome tale of a skydiver, unfinished, like the onset of fever. So he clapped his hand to his brow and swore vengeance against the cattle barons. And his rainbow prevailed. And in the clay abstract it was mightily forsooth , a chapbook, a dusty spectrum, a peregrination. 01.Poems.1-64_Fried.indd฀฀฀34 11/28/05฀฀฀12:33:19฀PM ...
