The University of North Carolina Press
David S. Sheilds - Editor's Note - Early American Literature 35:3 Early American Literature 35.3 (2000) 349

Editor's Note

A notice about eleCtronic publication of submissions: since the posting on the WWW constitutes publication, any essay submitted to EAL that has appeared as part of a onference website (no matter how temporary), an electronic bulletin board, or in an e-zine will be rejected by reason of prior publication.

Vincent Carretta's Oloudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa? New Light on an Eighteenth-century Question of Identity has been published in the English journal, Slavery and Abolition 21, 3 (December 1999), 96-105. The article summarizes Carretta's provocative findings about the location of Equiano's nativity and raises profound questions about the degree to which he constructs identity and history in The Interesting Narrative.

Philip Gura's discovery and purchase of the second known photograph of Emily Dickinson has been much in the news. He has posted the image on the WWW at While there is some debate about whether the sitter is Dickinson, an inspection of the image will convince most that the photograph is authentic.

The editor thanks Jim Ryan for his service as editorial assistant to EAL during the past four years. In charge of the mark-up of the copy, Ryan has done a professional job. Our best wishes go with him to Auburn University, where he will be taking a position in the English Department. Daphne O'Brien will be assuming the post beginning with EAL 36, I.
