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  • Contributors

Charles Bernstein’s books include Dark City, The Sophist, and Content’s Dream: Essays, 1975–1984, Islets/lrritations, and A Poetics. He is David Gray Professor of Poetry and Letters at SUNY-Buffalo, where he teaches in the Poetics Program of the English Department.

Rachel Blau DuPlessis’s recent poetry is collected in Drafts 15–xxx, The Fold. Recent criticism has appeared in American Literature and in her books People of the Book, Feminist Measures, and The Pink Guitar. She is a professor at Temple University.

David Kellogg teaches at Duke University and has published articles in Cultural Critique, American Imago, and SAQ on the mechanisms of evaluation in contemporary poetry.

Ann Lauterbach teaches at The City College of New York, The Graduate Center, and in the MFA Program at Bard College. Her books of poems include Clamor and And for Example; a new collection, On a Stair, is forthcoming from Penguin in fall 1997. She received a MacArthur Fellowship in 1993.

Jonathan Monroe is Associate Professor in Comparative Literature and Director of the John S. Knight Writing Program at Cornell University. He is the author of Poverty of Objects: The Prose Poem and the Politics of Genre.

Aldon Lynn Nielsen is a professor at San Jose State University. His books of criticism include Black Chant: Languages of African-American Postmodernism, Writing between the Lines: Race and Intertextuality, and Reading Race. His collections of poetry include Heat Strings, Evacuation Routes, and Stepping Razor.

Bob Perelman has published nine books of poetry, including Virtual Reality, and two critical books, The Trouble with Genius: Reading Pound, Joyce, Stein, and ZuLofsky and The Marginalization of Poetry: Language Writing and Literary History. He is Associate Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania.

Marjorie Perloff’s most recent book is Wittgenstein’s Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary. She is Sadie Dernham Patek Professor of Humanities at Stanford University.

Rosmarie Waldrop’s most recent book of poems is A Key into the Language of America. Station Hill has published her novels, The Hanky of Pippin’s Daughter and A Form /of Taking / It All.


Jessica Evett-Miller took these photographs during a trip to Italy and Sicily and assembled them for her senior project at the Alternative Community School in Ithaca’ New York. Now a freshman at Cornell University, she is planning to design an independent major in visual studies. She would like to dedicate thesephotographs toherfather, John Miller, and to thank him for his inspiration.

She paired the front and back cover images (the first and the last) to create an interplay between the two. They function together rather than separately.

