

This paper classifies dipping tones in the framework of the Multi-Register and Four-Level Model, using new, firsthand acoustic data. Seven dipping types are identified. Four of them are produced in normal clear voice and affiliated with the Modal Register: (1) Central Dipping, typologically transcribed as /323/, (2) Back Dipping /523/, (3) Front Dipping /324/, and (4) Double Circumflex /4343/. The remaining three are produced with non-clear voice qualities: (5) Breathy Dipping /213/ and (6) Creaky Dipping /202/ in the Lower Register, and (7) Discontinuous Fortis Dipping /405/ in the Upper Register. Each of the seven dipping tones contrasts with one or another with four distinctive features [± RgM, ±RgL, ±Hfront, ±Hback].


本文采用一手材料在分域四度框架中对凹调进行类型学分类,一共辨识出七种凹调。其中四种为常域清洌声凹调: (1) 央凹型,代码为/323/,(2) 后凹型 /523/,(3) 前凹型 /324/,(4) 两折型/4343/。另外三种凹调属于非清洌声声质:(5) 下域的气声凹型/213/ ,(6) 下域的嘎裂声凹型 /202/,(7) 上域的张裂声凹型 /405/。本文使用四对区别特征 [±RgM, ±RgL, ±Hfront, ±Hback] 来刻画这七种凹调。

