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  • Erratum

A clarification is necessary regarding statements in Ashvo-Muñoz's review of Chornik's Alejo Carpentier and the Musical Text (2015), published in Latin American Music Review, Volume 39, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2018.

Ashvo-Muñoz states: "An error appears in reference to Vivaldi's lost opera Motezuma as found in Berlin in 1999, but the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris previously had it. Also, in 1992 it was recorded by Astrée (AUVDIS/E 8501)" (p. 128). Yet Chornik refers to the "2002 rediscovery of the manuscript score of the opera Motezuma […], [f]ound in the Berliner Singakademie collection" (p. 17).

Chornik's information about the score is corroborated by various sources, including a judgment of Germany's Federal Supreme Court ( and Vivaldi scholarship such as Michael Talbot (ed.), Vivaldi, "Motezuma" and the Opera Seria: Essays on a Newly Discovered Work and Its Background (Turnhout: Brepols, 2008).

The Bibliothèque nationale de France holds a copy of the libretto of Vivaldi's opera ( but does not have the music score.

The 1992 recording mentioned by Ashvo-Muñoz was a pastiche created by Malgoire, using music from other Vivaldian sources, as the Motezuma score had not been found yet. This is confirmed by Vivaldi scholarship (Talbot 2008) and CD descriptions ( and [End Page 285]


