In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • For a Butuo Maiden
  • Jidi Majia

Your slender neckis more beautifulthan that of the agachamo birdYour eyes are starlight reflections on the lakeYour forehead is like goldwhere memories of bees lingerYour wide silver neckpieceis a cliff woven from a webYour skirt of many posturesis waves tossingfor night’s approachas dusk retreatsYour supple skin islike early summer wind passing through the deep valleystrewn with pine needlesthen quietly brushing against the mother goat’s belly

Your breath circles dreamlikeAll things rock forth gold drops of morning dewin your exhaled breathYour laughter rises and falls like a skylarkI know that it’s because of your dancingthat each collision of mountainsand each butting of bulls’ hornsforetell autumn’s ripening [End Page 45]


