

This essay examines Project Russia, an official publication of the Kremlin, written in Russian and distributed within Russia. As such this book series is perhaps the most candid source of Putin's outlook on Russia's present state of affairs, its relations with the West and most alarmingly, his stated plans for the future. This chapter will define key elements of the Russian national ideology under the Putin Regime: The limitations of democracy; the decadence of the West; the West as the enemy; the coming world collapse; and Russia's future role in world leadership. In 2005 the anonymous book Проект Россия (Project Russia), a "politico-philosophical and historical work on Russia's challenges and the sad future that awaits her if she remains adrift,"1 first appeared in Russia. Immediately, it was made "highly recommended reading" for all state employees. In short, it was treated from the very first as an official ideology. The first commercially available publication of this work was released a full year later, soon followed by three additional volumes. These are sold in vast numbers through Russia's largest publisher EKSMO and have become bestsellers.

