In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Awakening Together: The Spiritual Practice of Inclusivity and Community. By Larry Yang. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2017. Pp. xxii + 244. Paper $17.95, isbn 978–1-61429–351-4.
Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss in the Chinese-Speaking World: Reorienting the Political. Edited by Kai Marchal and Carl K. Y. Shaw. New York: Lexington Books, 2017. Pp. viii + 281. No price given, isbn 978–1-4985–3626-4.
China and India: Asia's Emergent Great Powers. By Chris Ogden. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2017. Pp. x + 213. No price given, isbn 978–1-7456–8987-6.
China's Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future. By James Miller. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017. Pp. xxvi + 259. Hardcover $60.00, isbn 978–0-231–17586-9.
Democracy to Come: Politics as Relational Praxis. By Fred Dallmayr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. xii + 180. Hardcover $29.95, isbn 978–0-19–067097-9.
Dignāga's Investigation of the Percept: A Philosophical Legacy in India and Tibet. By Douglas Duckworth, Malcolm David Eckel, Jay L. Garfield, John Powers, Yeshes Thabkhas, and Sonam Thakchöe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pp. xxx + 353. Paper $35.00, isbn 978–0-19–062370-8.
Foucault: The Birth of Power. By Stuart Elden. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2017. Pp. xii + 232. No price given, isbn 978–1-5095–0726-9.
Geschichte der Neukonfuzianischen Philosophie. By Carsun Chang. Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann GmbH, 2016. Pp. 401. Paper €88,00, isbn 978–0-7456–9699-7.
The I Ching (Book of Changes): A Critical Translation of the Ancient Text. By Geoffrey Redmond. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017. Pp. xxx + 433. Paper $26.95, isbn 978–1-4725–1413-4.
Japan and the Shackles of the Past. By R. Taggart Murphy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xxviii + 443. No price given, isbn 978–0-19–061958-9.
Japanese Environmental Philosophy. Edited by J. Baird Callicott and James McRae. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. xxvi + 310. No price given, isbn 978–0-19–045633-7.
The Just King: The Tibetan Buddhist Classic on Leading an Ethical Life. By Jamgön Mipham, translated by José Ignacio Cabezón. Boulder: Snow Lion Builder, 2017. Pp. xxviii + 316. Paper $24.95, isbn 978–1-61180–496-6.
Minds Without Fear: Philosophy in the Indian Renaissance. By Nalini Bhushan and Jay L. Garfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. x + 334. No price given, isbn 978-0-19-045759-4. [End Page 660]
The Philosophical Foundations of Classical Chinese Medicine: Philosophy, Methodology, Science. By Keekok Lee. New York: Lexington Books, 2017. Pp. xii + 379. No price given, isbn 978–1-4985–3887-9.
The Recognition Sūtras: Illuminating a 1,000-Year-Old Spiritual Masterpiece. By Christopher Wallis. Boulder: Mattamayūra Press, 2017. Pp. xiv + 518. Paper $29.95, isbn 978–0-9897613–8-3.
Stalk Divination: A Newly Discovered Alternative to the I Ching. Edited and translated by Constance A. Cook and Zhao Lu. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. xiv + 195. Hardcover $74.00, isbn 978–0-19–064845-9. [End Page 661]

