In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Toronto School of Theology Theses Completed Academic Year 2016–17

Emmanuel College


Regis College


Knox College


Trinity College


St. Michael's College


Wycliffe College

PhD (USMC) / ThD

Arp, Joshua (W). Revision and Preservation in the Redaction of the Pentateuch: A Case Study of Genesis 34. PhD/B Supervisor: Sarianna Metso. Fall 2016.
Boehmer, David John (T). Kierkegaard and the Capax: The Capacity of the Finite for the Infinite in History and the Moment. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Abrahim Khan. Fall 2016.
Boersma, Spencer (W). The Baptist Vision: Narrative Theology and Baptist Identity in the Thought of James Wm. McClendon, Jr. ThD/Th. Supervisor: Ephraim Radner. Spring 2017.
Chan, John Yan Yee (T). The Theology of Glory and The Theology of the Cross in Luther's Postils. ThD/Th. Supervisor: Victor Shepherd. Spring 2017.
Cho, Hyuk (E). Sharing Concern for Justice: Becoming an Intercultural Church as a Postcolonial Mission Practice in the Canadian Context of Integrative Multiculturalism. ThD/Th. Supervisor: Thomas Reynolds. Spring 2017.
Dobreva-Mastagar, Mariana (T). Vernacular Religion in Diaspora: a case Study of the Macedono-Bulgarian group in Toronto. PhD/Th. Co-supervisors: Donald Wiebe and Joshua Barker. Fall 2016.
Edwards, James Andrew (W). Keeping the Command: Karl Barth's Moral Theology in Dialogue with Late Medieval Scholasticism. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Joseph Mangina. Fall 2016.
Fusco, Mark Peter (R). Consciousness in the Wilderness of Mirrors: Trinitarian Kenosis and Created Difference in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Gill Goulding. Fall 2016.
Green, Matthew Robert (R). An Analysis of Dallas Willard's Theology of Emotion in Light of Contemporary Neuropsychology. PhD/P. Co-supervisors: David Reed and Joseph Schner. Fall 2016.
Jeon, Kyungmee (M). The Rhetoric of the Pious Empire and the Rhetoric of Flight from the World: a Socio-Rhetorical Reading of the Life of Melania the Younger. PhD/H. Supervisor: T. Allan Smith. Fall 2016.
Joo, Heun Kyu (K). The God of Compassion at Mount Sinai - A Literary and Theological Interpretation of the Tangled Mix of Law and Narrative in the Sinai Pericope (Exodus 19:1–24:11). PhD/B. Co-supervisors: Marion Taylor and Glen Taylor. Fall 2016. [End Page 329]
Lim, Jae Yang (K). A Homiletics of Communal Participation in the Spirit for the Contemporary Church. PhD/P. Supervisor: Paul Wilson. Fall 2016.
Loewen, Margreta Susanne Guenther (E). Making Peace with the Cross: A Mennonite-Feminist Exploration of Dorothee Solle and J. Denny Weaver on Nonviolence, Atonement, and Redemption. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Michael Bourgeois. Fall 2016.
Lofft, Jonathan (T). A Blessed Word: The Mixed Life of Edward Marion Chadwick (1840–1921. ThD/H. Supervisor: David Neelands. Spring 2017.
Lott, Wayne (R). Human Participation in the Eternal Law through the Natural Law in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas and Bernard Lonergan: Transpositions from a Classical to a Modern Mindset. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Gordon Rixon. Fall 2016.
Mpereh, Samuel (M). The Potency of Rituals in Effecting Stability in Communities: An Examination of Paul's Interventions in 1 Cor 11:17–34. PhD/B. Supervisor: Colleen Shantz. Fall 2016.
Na, Hyun Kee (E). "Go, Sell Your Possessions, and Give to the Poor…, Follow Me": The Significance of the Ideal of Radical Poverty in John Cassian (ca. 360-ca. 435). PhD/H. Supervisor: T. Allan Smith. Fall 2016.
Olkovich, Nicholas (M). The Politics of Decline and Retrieval: Bernard Lonergan's Foundations for Democratic Practice. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Michael Vertin. Fall 2016.
Palmer, Carmen (E). Converts at Qumran: The Gēr in the Dead Sea Scrolls as an Indicator of Mutable Ethnicity. PhD/B. Co-supervisors: Judith Newman and Sarianna Metso. Fall 2016.
Potter, Brett David (M). Broken Open by Beauty: Art and Metaphysics in the Theological Aesthetics of Hans Urs von Balthasar. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Rebekah Smick. Fall 2016.
Tran, Quan Minh (R). Toward a More Profound Reciprocity: The Conversation between Ignatian Spirituality and Vietnamese Culture. ThD/P. Supervisor: Gill Goulding. Fall 2016.
Wang, Paul Chua (W). The Purpose of Election in Romans 9:11: Rethinking the Doctrine of Predestination Through the Theology of the Cross. PhD/Th. Supervisor: Ephraim Radner. Fall 2016.
Yoon, Manhee (W). The Fate ofthe Man of God from Judah: A Literary and Theological Reading...

