In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index, Volume 57 (2017)


  • Bailly, Jean-Christophe. "L'épreuve de l'immédiat," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 30–38.

  • Bayrou, André. "Se plaindre pour les autres: Clément Marot, Marguerite de Navarre, et leurs complaintes croisées," 57:2 (Summer 2017), 30–43.

  • Bianchi, Aristide and Leonid Kharlamov, "Passer au théâtre," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 10–21.

  • Bjørnstad, Hall. "Consolation, plainte, gémissement: Pascal, figure intransigeante au seuil de la modernité," 57:2 (Summer 2017), 109–21.

  • Blanc, Nathalie, Clara Breteau, and Bertrand Guest. "Pas de côté dans l'écocritique francophone," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 123–38.

  • Blaylock, Joshua M. "Intertextual Echoes: Emblems, Rabelais, and Heptaméron 13," 57:3 (Fall 2017), 79–92.

  • de Tholozany, Pauline. "Fromentin on cactus grandiflora: The Aesthetics of Ecology in Une année dans le Sahel," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 46–57.

  • Delvallée, Ellen. "Les plaintes de la Déploration de Florimond Robertet ou les apories de la poésie funèbre chez Marot," 57:2 (Summer 2017), 16–29.

  • Desblache, Lucile. "Bernard Werber's Poetics of Ecological Reconstruction: 'In Praise of Amnesia'?," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 71–82.

  • Dupuy, Lionel. "Jules Verne, l'homme et la terre: Une lecture écocritique des Voyages extraordinaires," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 9–19.

  • Finch-Race, Daniel A. "L'inspiration naturelle chez Mallarmé dans 'Las de l'amer repos,'" 57:1 (Spring 2017), 34–45.

  • Finch-Race, Daniel A. and Julien Weber. "Éditorial: L'écocritique française," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 1–8

  • Francis, Scott. "Scandalous Women or Scandalous Judgment? The Social Perception of Women and the Theology of Scandal in the Heptaméron," 57:3 (Fall 2017), 33–45.

  • Frelick, Nancy. "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Rhetoric of Beauty and the Beauty of Rhetoric in the Heptaméron," 57:3 (Fall 2017), 8–20.

  • Hermetet, Anne-Rachel. "Vincent, Joseph, Paul et les autres: Voix et figures de paysans dans la fiction française contemporaine," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 58–70.

  • Hersant Marc. "Le sens de la plainte: Voltaire épistolier et la culture de la sociabilité," 57:2 (Summer 2017), 122–34.

  • Hickmott, Sarah. "Beyond Lacoue-Labarthe's Alma Mater: Mus(e)ic, Myth and Modernity," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 174–88.

  • Kem, Judy. "Marguerite de Navarre and the Querelle des femmes," 57:3 (Fall 2017), 1–7.

  • Kendrick, Jeff. "Gender Flexibility and Androgyny in Marguerite de Navarre's Chansons spirituelles," (Fall 2017), 105–17.

  • Kilroy, Robert. "Lacan through Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy: From 'Modernist Myths' to Modernism as Myth," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 160–73.

  • Klaus, Carrie F. "From désert to patrie: Marguerite de Navarre's Lessons from the New World," 57:3 (Fall 2017), 58–66.

  • Klein, Laura. "At the Intersection of Ecocriticism and the Colonial Maghreb: Antoine Delesvaux and Joann Sfar's Le chat du rabbin," 57:1 (Spring 2017), 111–22.

  • Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe. "La parodie (La question de la mythologie)," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 98–145.

  • Lawtoo, Nidesh. "The Power of Myth (Reloaded): From Nazism to New Fascism," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 64–82.

  • McKeane, John. "L'hymne et la communauté, ou tragédie, suite et fin. Penser la tragédie d'Euripide," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 39–49.

  • Merlin-Kajman, Hélène. "'Ce crime de nos larmes,'" 57:2 (Summer 2017), 89–108.

  • Merlin-Kajman, Hélène. "Introduction," 57:2 (Summer 2017), 1–15.

  • Michaud, Ginette. "L'art comme 'mythe d'origine': Remarques sur le paradigme de l'archaïque dans les Écrits sur l'art de Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 146–59. [End Page 189]

  • Mo, Gro Bjørnerud. "Plaintes et prosodies: François de Malherbe et les échecs de la consolation," 57:2 (Summer 2017), 63–75.

  • Nancy, Claire. "Le nom-lieu Thorikos," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 22–29.

  • Nancy, Jean-Luc. "Exclu le Juif en soi," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 83–97.

  • Opelz, Hannes. "L'incitation au mythe: Ténèbres de la mimèsis," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 50–63.

  • Opelz, Hannes. "Présentation," 57:4 (Winter 2017), 1–9.

  • Peterson, Nora Martin. "What Women Know: The Power of Savoir in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron," 57:3 (Fall 2017), 21–32.

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