In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 69



Andersson, Axel, and Scott Magelssen. “Performing a Viking History of America: The 1893 Voyage and Display of a Viking Longship at the Columbus Quadricentennial.” 175–95.

Arrighi, Gillian. “The Controversial ‘case of the opera children in the East’: Political Conflict between Popular Demand for Child Actors and Modernizing Cultural Policy on the Child.” 153–73.

Bachmann, Michael. “Ambivalent Pasts: Colonial History and the Theatricalities of Ethnographic Display.” 299–319.

Barnden, Sally. “Photographing Titus Andronicus: Textual Fidelity, Spectacle, and the Performance Tradition.” 555–71.

Ben-Shaul, Daphna. “A Home Unfound: The Political Modeling of the Domestic Performance.” 235–57.

Calder, David. “2CV Théâtre: Transgression, Nostalgia, and the Negative Space of French Street Theatre.” 1–20.

Clarke, Jan. “Problematic Images: Some Pitfalls Associated with the Use of Iconography in Seventeenth-Century French Theatre History.” 535–53.

Cohen, Matthew Isaac. “Wayang in Museums: The Reverse Repatriation of Javanese Puppets.” 361–81.

Cox, Emma. “Processional Aesthetics and Irregular Transit: Envisioning Refugees in Europe.” 477–96.

Davis, Jim. “Looking and Being Looked at: Visualizing the Nineteenth-Century Spectator.” 515–34.

Guy, Georgina. “From Visible Object to Reported Action: The Performance of Verbal Images in Visual Art Museums.” 339–59.

Johnson, Katie N. “An Algerian in Paris: Habib Benglia’s The Emperor Jones.” 21–41.

Lease, Bryce. “Shared Histories and Commemorative Extension: Warsaw’s POLIN Museum.” 383–401.

Looser, Diana. “Viewing Time and the Other: Visualizing Cross-Cultural and Trans-Temporal Encounters in Lisa Reihana’s in Pursuit of Venus [infected].” 449–75.

Merrill, Lisa, and Theresa Saxon. “Replaying and Rediscovering The Octoroon.” 127–52.

Stenberg, Josh, and Jason J. P. Cai. “Mostly Young Women with Quite Traditional Tastes: Empirical Evidence for National Contemporary Audiences of Xiqu.” 43–59.

Ward, Julie. “Making Reality Sensible: The Mexican Documentary Theatre Tradition, 1968–2013.” 197–211.

Welton, Martin. “Dark Visions: Looking at and in Theatrical Darkness.” 497–513.

Williams, Joshua. “The Lifelike Dead: Staging the Nonhuman in Colonial Nairobi.” 321–37.

Wright, Kailin. “Dispublics: Popular Yet Political Spectatorship in Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad and Erin Shields’s If We Were Birds.” 213–34.

Zimmerman, Guy. “The Captain in LA: Reza Abdoh’s Bricolage and the Rise of Neoliberalism.” 61–79.


Birringer, Johannes. “Really Actually Windy: On Environments, Technologies, and Dividual Performances.” 633–47.

Román, David, Kalle Westerling, and Dan Venning, with Jennifer Buckley et al. “Subject Histories of Taylor Mac’s ‘Radical Faerie Realness Ritual’ History.” 403–15.


Anderson, Monica Fay. Sense & Sensibility. 578–80.

Ball, Joyelle. Milton. 94–96.

Barker, Roberta, and Marlis Schweitzer. The Black Crook: An Original, Magical and Spectacular Musical Drama. 573–74. [End Page 625]

Black, Cheryl. Gentle. 576–78.

Brater, Jessica Silsby. The Forgotten/L’Oublié(e). 580–82.

Caldwell-O’Keefe, J. Riley. Blueprint Specials. 587–89.

Castagno, Paul C. Straight White Men. 591–94.

Chambers, Jonathan. Lizzie. 417–19.

Choate, E. Teresa. Battlefield. 584–85.

Di Salvo, Gina M. The Second Shepherds’ Play. 574–76.

Gorshein, David. The Dig: Death + Genesis + the Double Helix. 274–76.

Heissan, Joseph A., Jr. The Encounter. 268–70.

Hill, C. Austin. The Plough and the Stars. 590–91.

Hunter, Lindsay Brandon. Backstage in Biscuit Land. 267–68.

Kim, Ju Yon. Fifth National Asian American Theater Conference and Festival. 429–32.

Kuftinec, Sonja Arsham. Oregon Shakespeare Festival. 96–100.

Lichtenberg, Drew. Julius Caesar. Spared Parts. Dramatic Intervention on W. Shakespeare. 262–66.

———. Macbeth. 262–66.

Lothe, Jakob. Emma & Edvard: Love in the Time of Loneliness. 594–96.

Low, Stephen. Concord Floral. 585–87.

Meyer, Amy. Bromance. 81–86.

———. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire. 81–86.

———. Smoke and Mirrors. 81–86.

Moore, Matthew Robert. Gardens Speak. 271–74.

———. La Mélancholie des Dragons. 271–74.

———. Top Secret International (State 1). 271–74.

Moriah, Kristin. Notes from the Field. 425–27.

Provenzano, Thomas. The Truth. 276–77.

Remshardt, Ralf. Foreign Affairs Festival. 88–91.

Richards, Kimberly Skye. Oil. 582–83.

Ringer, Loren. The Seagull. 91–94.

Schultz, Ray. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 259–62.

Sierra, Horacio. On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan. 100–101.

Sizemore-Barber, April. National Arts Festival. 419–23.

Vandevender, Bryan M. Wonderful...

