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Book Reuil'll/$ in CoJ1uectimt 1639-1789 [University of North Carolina Press, 1995]; and ~fary Beth Norton, Founding Mothers ,md Ft1thers:Gendered Pou,er11mlthe Forming o{Americcm Society [Alfred A. Knopf, 1996]) have also reached our bookshelves. The works of Brown, Dayton, and Norton are refrnm111g mquiries into the lives and experiences of early American women -and men. Berkin's synthesis, therefore, is somewh,tt incomplete, though through no fault of her own. Putting such minor misgivings aside, however, First Ge11er,1tio11s is ,1 wellwntten ,md engaging narr.itive synthesis of the expanding ,md L~h.mgingticld of early American womrn's history. It is a book that should work well 111 m

