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Cana dun Review of Amenc,rn Studies/ Revue amad,e,me d'hudes amer1a1111es Volume 25, Number 1, Winter 1995, pp. 147-172 American Studies Dissertations in Canada: In Progress and Completed Since 1993 147 This is the first anrnrnl upJ,lte to the registry of PhD dissertation~ 111 American Studies undertaken .H CrnaJian universities. The C111,ulii111 Rel1 1eu• o/An1erii·t111 Studies initiated the registry in 1994 (Volume 24, Issue I) with its 1990-1993 list. Ag::1i11,entries have been compiled directly from grndwltc programmes across C,rnaJa. Defining American Studies very broadly, we contacted over two hundred university departments, requesting information on "PhD d1!>sertations , completed or in progress since 1993, which involve substanti,11 attention to U. S. material, ,1san exclusive or comparative fol..'us."\Y/c include ,111 titles which departments judged to have U. S. or U. S.-rcbtcJ content; 111 the few cases where dcp,1rtmcnts notified us of pre-1993 completions for the fir!>ttime, we include that information. 'I he terms of the registry continue to be limited to established dis~-iplinary cl,1~sific,1tions, .-1lthough ,l number of i111..iivid11,1l titles suggest exciting i11tcrd1 ~cipli1wry projects in Arncric.111Studies, as well ,ls purposeful L·onnectiom, with Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Native Studies, and other crossd1 ~L·ipli11aryfields. Canada-LI. S. cornparntivc studies sustain ,1distinct prese1icc . Dissertations in English Departments L'ontinue to outnumber other entries substantially, though their pcriodization seems to be narrowing into .1 prcdomi1rn11tly twcntieth-L'Cntury focus. Numbers .1lso suggest the gcncrnl health of the broad field of American Studies: this list is c1lmost ,ts long a~ la~t yc,1r's despite its coverage of a briefer time period. We arc indebted to those Grnduatc Chairs and ScL'rctarics \vlw responded to our requests for information. We apologize for any g,1ps or errors in the datc1 and would be very grntefu l to nxcive corrections or addenda, which we 148 Ca11.td1.tnReview of American Studies/ Re11ueamadiemze d'etudes amhicaines will include in the 1996 update. Please send information to: Christine Bold, Department of English, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario Nl G 2Wl; FAX: (519)766-0844; This list could not have been compiled without the hard work and professionalism of Adrienne Mitchell, a student at the University of Guelph. Many thanks, too, to the University of Guelph for their continuing support for this project. Christine Bold Amerit,m Studies Di.~.~e11t1tio11s Registry / 149 American Studies Dissertation Registry Entries read as follows: student's name, dissertation title, department and university, date of completion, supervisor. Arts Creighton, Steven. "Tonality in the Music of Aaron Copland." School of Music, University of British Columbia, in progress. (John Roeder) Dud1esncau, Mkhel. "Le Role de la Societc Nationale et de la Societc Musicale d:rns la Creation Musicale a Paris de 1909 a 1935." Ecole de Musique, Univcrsite Laval, 1994. (M. Marc-Andre Roberge) lfoward, D,wid B. "Bordering 011 the New Frontier: Modernism and the Military Industrial Complex in the United States and Crnada, 1957-1965." DepHrtment of Fine Art, University of British Columbia, 1993. (John O'Brian) L'Ecuyer, Sylvia. "La Vie et !'Oeuvre de Joseph d'Ortiguc, Musicien Litterateur (1802-1866)." Ecole de Musique, Universitc Llv.-d, 1992. (M. Robert Cohen) Powell, Lucy. "Vernacular Music Brokers and Mediators in the Southeastern United States 1900-1942." Department of Folklore, Memorial University, in progress. (Neil Rosenberg} Wark, Jayne. "The Assimilation of Marcel Duchamp's Notion of the Rcadym .-1dc into Body Art of the 1950s to the 1970s." Department of Fine Art, University of Toronto, in progress. (R. P. Welsh) Drama and Mass Media Baefsky, Jeffrey. "Ibsen anJ Americ,rn The,ltre, 1882-19.17." Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama, University of Toronto, in progress. (L. L. Marker) 150 Canadian Review ot American Studies/ Reuue canml!e,me d'etude.~ambrcmnes Barton, Bruce. "Approaching the Text: American Writers in Film anJ Theatre. 11 Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto, 111 progress. (R. Bryden) Dowler, Kevin L. "An Historical Inquiry into the Political and Cultural Context for the Emergence of a Television Aesthetic in the Nineteen-Fifties...

