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Errata In volume 24, no. 2 (Spring) 1994, in the review essay by Robert White, Interlocutors, Interpellants, Inte1preters, lnterpretants, part of the quotation on page 129 from William Styron was missing. The sentence correctly reads as follows: Styron rather casually observes that "early on I was struck by the impression that our hero was a madman. A singularly gifted and intelligent madman, but mad nonetheless." (441) Also, on page 129, the sentence Given such convictions about the so-called facts in the Nat Turner case, it was presumptuous, of foolish (mad?), for Styron to undertake to write sympathetically about such an unsympathetic character. should read Given such conv1ct10ns about the so-called facts in the Nat Turner case, it was presumptuous, or foolish (mad?), for Styron to undertake to write sympathetically about such an unsympathetic character. ...

